[LargeFormat] The second day of the Test....

largeformat@f32.net largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 24 06:46:25 2001

Uncle Dick,

I think you are labouring under the illusion that people in England give a tinker's cuss about cricket, let alone the national team. It is a minority sport played by chinless wonders whose parents are so concerned that their offspring may have to mix with common people they send them away to private (confusingly called public) schools. As a spectator sport it attracts the sort of crowds one would expect - the unemployed and elderly.  One could photograph these people quite easily with the largest, most cumbersome camera available using the slowest lens and film available and still get pin-sharp results.

PS. what went wrong with your World Cup campaign, even the Yanks managed to qualify?

Yours in jest,


> Dear Friends,
>      I must apologise for impugning the reputation of the English cricket
> team. I am sure they are all fine fellows and are doing their very best.
> Indeed I have always been a fan of theirs, though I do think it was a shame
> that they had to replace Curley Joe with Shemp. It was never the same
> afterwards....
< big snip>