[LargeFormat] 65mm SA

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Fri Jun 8 10:30:01 2001

At 07:08 07/06/01 -0700, Les Newcomer wrote:

>A while back I put up a photo using a S65mm f8 Super Angulon, and
>alluded to a photo of an "outflow control chamber"
>Well here it is
>The chamber is about 6 feet wide and the grate in the ceiling is about
>30 feet from where I was standing. The iron thing is a gate about 5 feet
>tall and is in a half open position (just below the photo was a
>recangular hole 6 feet wide and about 3 feet tall)

Thanks for the URL Les.  Another great photo showing how well that little 
65mm SA performs.  There are hidden depths to many of our cities - there 
are tunnels under much of Bristol and the river that used to flow through 
the centre of town carrying big sailing ships now runs underneath the city 
centre.  The sailing ships are few and far between now but the descendents 
of the rats they carried are still around.

Guess you would be the ideal person to take along on a subterranean trip 
here in Bristol :-)

The photo made me think about canyons and given the measurements you 
mention in the control chamber, it seems that the 65mm SA would be a good 
choice for LF slot canyon photography. Maybe you've already done this .....
