[LargeFormat] Hinge tape

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jan 24 17:02:12 2001

At 1:33 pm -0500 24/1/01, John R Graziani wrote:
>Would not ordinary gaffers tape, black, do the job?
>That is what I use for bellows holes as well.

Gaffer tape will do the job but the adhesive can get a bit sticky in 
high temperatures depending on the manufacture of the tape.  It is 
also a bot thicker than the book binding tape which I believe is what 
was used originally.

The Calumet tape is probably the best stuff to use.... but if gaffer 
tape does the job and is easily obtainable then why not? :-)
All the best,

             Clive Warren   http://www.f32.net
                            Large Format travel and stock photography