Time magazine article

Connie Clark connie_3c@yahoo.com
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 10:32:28 -0800 (PST)

--- Michael Eisenstadt <michaele@ando.pair.com> wrote:
> this is an outstanding overview  

thanks Mike.  I've been web surfing for information on
the several countries in Central Asia, finding that
they seem to have groups battling each other, usually
over oil rich territory. Azerbijian, for instance. 
Somewhere I heard that the divying up of countries by
Stalin created the basic tribal type wars, in that he
cordoned off borders of two cultural/religious groups,
to keep them busy with each other, and out of his way.

So what does this have to do with Al-qaeida? I guess
that it could offer inroads for terrorist


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