Cascading Events- Was Osama video

Wayne Johnson
Fri, 14 Dec 2001 07:30:19 -0500

Impeachment, anyone?


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of JFBaldauf
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 9:02 PM
To: Michael Eisenstadt;
Subject: Cascading Events- Was Osama video

Events unfolding much too quickly:

Just today in the news... mainstream network news... on the TV for all
to see ... evening news starting to look like conspiracy web sites!

(Baldauf commentary in parentheses, all other in actual news casts.)

1. Osama Video with mixed reviews.

2. Late breaking reports that Osama is surrounded in his cave and is
    about to be captured! (Lucky we now have video proof of guilt!)

3. Indian Parliament bombed - dozens killed and injured.

4. Anthrax seems to have come from U.S. army lab at Ft. Dietrich, Maryland.

5. U.S. wiretap capability fatally compromised, services provided by
    owned company employing former senior FBI/CIA officials and their Mossad
    counterparts. Wiretap systems had "back door" allowing eavesdropping on
    the eavesdroppers. Suspects immediately changed communications habits
    as soon as taps were installed. Present and former FBI agents in fierce
    war and finger pointing over issue. (Was infamous PROMIS software

6. Bush issues new executive order refusing even more documents for
    security" reasons. Enrages even Republican congressman Dan Burton who
    criticizes Bush so harshly that Dan's nemesis, Barny Frank, officially
    and applauds Burton stance. Newscasts actually note that new executive
    seemed to be purposely released on Osama video day  for back page

7. Bush backs out of - or breaks- ABM treaty with Russia which prohibits
star wars
    Missile Defense Systems (of the sort Bush wants to contract out to his
    in spite of fact that MDS will have little deterence on hijackers with
box cutters or
    suitcase nukes.)

8. Even more Gaza-Israel attacks/counterattacks/retaliations.

(Time to Duck & Cover?)

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Eisenstadt <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 11:44 AM
Subject: transcript of Osama video on line
