Is there a pattern here? I hope so.

Michael Eisenstadt
Fri, 07 Dec 2001 10:59:49 -0600

Roger's opening sentence was:

> "Being on this list and submitting 
> anything with much intellectual traction 
> (like Noam Chomsky for example) makes 
> one subject to being called a crank,..."

come on Roger I havent called you a crank in weeks.
just because i call you on your sillier remarks
or quotes doesnt mean i have stopped liking
you. but when you paste in remarks like
"Sharon and his uncontrolled rabble of an 
army" along with a sly call for the destruction
of Israel, I am going to call attention
to the meaning of the remarks in your emails.

rereading the remarks of mine that you
archived was strangly reassuring. go figure!