eating contest at Chester's 40 flavors

Carolyn Garner Siscoe
Thu, 06 Dec 2001 12:48:45 -0800

If it is me you are asking, yes,  I think because I saw the big containers
of syrup I never had any ice cream at Chester's Perhaps if Chester had
wanted to be painted in all his ice cream colors Lonnie would have painted a
portrait of him but I think she really didn't take Chester that seriously
more she was wise to him.   I remember the rooming house,two story with an
extension in back, Lonnie living there-a very nice apartment a shared
kitchen.  Lonnie could make the most incredible dinner out of nothing but
carrots-starving student funds were not an hindrance, she did MFK Fisher one
better on using very simple limited ingredients to make a feast- and, the
hairdresser when Chester would come and collect her for the evening, she
always packed a tiny little vanity case-very 1950's.
and a  french girl from Algiers.  I remember Lonnie's landlady, a sort of
very plump woman who tried to look like Audrey Hepburn, died black bangs,
who I think had wanted to be a painter. Although the landlady was choosy the
place was cheap.
    .  On one night the rapist, the one who always wore white because he
worked at the hospital for mentally off  broke into the french girl's room,
his modus opendi was to stand at the foot of the bed and stare then spring
into action, she woke up and screamed-we called the police, after they left
all- of us, this was I think before Lonnie was there- a lot of people I knew
lived there and come to think of it didn't think of it now all were women-
stayed up while she to calm her nerves told us all about growing up in
Algeria during the terrorist bombings and the war with France--so a mere
potential rapist was low on the list of horror.

Michael Eisenstadt wrote:

> shelton wrote:
> >
> > Billy Jim Strong mentions the Green Monster eating contest between the
> > DAILY TEXAN team and the RANGER team.  I remember it well, having been
> > present at the event, although thankfully not as a contestant.
> >
> > There was an ice cream parlor on the corner of 24th and (Rio Grande?)
> > which had 36 flavors of ice cream (This shop has been immortalized by
> > Lieuen Adkins in his poem "Willie and the 36 Flavors).
> As I remember the name of the store was Chester's 40 Flavors
> it was on 24th at or near Rio Grande.
> Chester was a character, he wanted my sister-in-law (to be)
> to paint a portrait of him but in the nude. The 40 flavors
> were all different colors but all tasted the same -- nasty.
> They may not have been WW II Army surplus but the syrup for
> Chester-Cola was, it came in big drums with US Army markings on
> them. I tried Chester-Cola once: unbelievable.
> Chester's girlfriend, a hairdresser lived in the same rooming
> house as my sister-in-law, also on 24th. This was an old frame
> house with a beauty parlour on the first floor. Anybody
> else remember? Carolyn, you remember all this doncha?