who is this REPUBLICAN?!?!?!?

Connie Clark connie_3c@yahoo.com
Wed, 5 Dec 2001 09:07:25 -0800 (PST)

--- Michael Eisenstadt <michaele@ando.pair.com> wrote:
> Ron Paul is a right wing dinosaur type who
> represents
> Hays County (just south of Travis County

Didn't realize his district went up that far.  He is a
gulf coast local.  In fact, he was my sister's
obstetrician and delivered her babies in the 60s down
in Brazoria County which is the source of many
Republicans such as Senator Buster Brown.

He represents a lot of rural Texans, thus the fierce
dislike of govmint. Difficult to defeat, so will be
around for a while.


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