<no subject>

susan gilbert ssg@efn.org
Fri, 30 Nov 2001 17:13:55 -0800

forgive me if  you' ve heard this before,  about five years ago ronnie
dugger was in eugene, oregon,  holding a meeting trying to fire up interest
in alliance for democracy, johnny oakes had just died a couple of weeks
earlier, i went to that meeting just to speak with someone who had
know johnny from austin days, ronnie said he remembered  johnny's sparkling
mischevious eyes and gave me a big ole texas hug.
alas, timing and traveling opportunities have not coincided with various
ghettoite gettogethers ,however i will be in austin over the holidays i
would be pleased to reacquaint with old buddies,
also  i would like to get in touch with fletcher boone, i suppose he could
be in the austin phone book,
  cheers, susig