[MyAppleMenu] Oct 10, 2011

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Oct 10 18:59:00 EDT 2011


**** An Apple For My Teacher: How Steve Jobs Brought You This Column <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/opinions/tabatha-southey/an-apple-for-my-teacher-how-steve-jobs-brought-you-this-column/article2194799/>
Tabatha Southey, The Globe And Mail

**** Rumor Accounting <http://stupidapplerumors.com/news/2011/rumor-accounting>
Stupid Apple Rumors

**** Copy Mail's Autocomplete Database To A New Mac <http://www.macworld.com/article/162910/2011/10/copy_mails_autocomplete_database_to_a_new_mac.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Lex Friedman, Macworld

**** Apple Announces Over One Million iPhone 4S Pre-Orders In First 24 Hours <http://www.macrumors.com/2011/10/10/apple-announces-over-one-million-iphone-4s-pre-orders-in-first-24-hours/>
Arnold Kim, MacRumors

Apple has announced that they have received over one million iPhone 4S pre-orders on the first 24 hours.

**** How To Convert PDFs To Word (And Other Formats) <http://www.macworld.com/article/162699/2011/10/how_to_convert_pdfs_to_word_and_other_formats_.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** What Is Madness? By Darian Leader – Review <http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/oct/09/darian-leader-what-madness-review>
Alexander Linklater, The Guardian

Can there be a professional realm, short of politics, as divided and factionalised as that which deals with the problems of the mind?

**** Grilled Chicken, That Temperamental Star <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/09/business/in-food-commercials-flying-doughnuts-and-big-budgets.html?_r=3&src=recg&pagewanted=all>
David Segal, New York Times

If you watch television, you’ve seen his work, and the work of the five or six other major players in this micro-niche of advertising. These men — yes, they’re all men — make glossy vignettes that star butter-soaked scallops and glistening burgers. Their cameras swirl around fried chicken, tunnel through devil’s food cake and gape as soft-serve cones levitate and spin.


**** Agencies Not Anti-competitive <http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC111010-0000018/Agencies-not-anti-competitive>
Jolovan Wham Humanitarian Organisation For Migration Economics, Today

We contend that the CCS decision is driven primarily by what is good for employers. However, employers and FDWs are both paying clients of an employment agency; interests should not be disproportionately and unilaterally weighed toward the former.

**** Police Probe SDP Forum Involving Exiled ISA Detainees <http://sg.news.yahoo.com/police-probe-sdp-forum-involving-exiled-isa-detainees.html>
Jeanette Tan, Yahoo!

**** Financial Planning: Are You Ready? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/10/financial-planningare-you-ready/>
Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen

CPF pays probably the lowest interest historically amongst all pension funds in the world. This has resulted in practically every study indicating that Singaporeans retire with one of the least replacement income in retirement, despite having the highest pension contribution rate in the world.

**** Michael Palmer Elected As Speaker Of Parliament <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1158367/1/.html>
S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia

Making his first speech as the Speaker of the 12th Parliament, Mr Palmer said he hoped proceedings in the House will be conducted in a positive spirit.

**** Will WP Raise The ISA In Parliament? <http://www.raviphilemon.net/2011/10/will-wp-raise-isa-in-parliament.html>
Ravi Philemon

There can be no better time then now for WP to raise this issue, as Malaysia has abolished its ISA and the Ministry of Home Affairs, has issued no less than four media releases since September, in response to the raging debate on this topic both online and offline.

**** Internet Politics Myth-busting, Part 2 <http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2011/10/10/internet-politics-myth-busting-part-2/>
Alex Au, Yawning Bread

**** The Emerging Fiasco Of Investigating A Public Forum <http://www.publichouse.sg/categories/community/item/132-the-emerging-fiasco-of-investigating-a-public-forum>
Andrew Loh, Publichouse.sg

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