[MyAppleMenu] Feb 9, 2011

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Feb 9 18:59:00 EST 2011


**** iOS Hearing Aids... Or, How To Buy Superman’s Ears <http://db.tidbits.com/article/11954?rss>
Jeff Porten, TidBITS

First, for two bucks I’ve just purchased a hearing aid which works damned well. Second, nearly everyone I encounter has an iPhone, iPod touch, Android gizmo, or similar device that can be used for this purpose; it might not be long before holding private conversations in public spaces might be a very bad idea. And it may have happened already.

**** Journey To The Center Of The Mac App Store <http://blogs.computerworld.com/17786/journey_to_the_center_of_the_mac_app_store>
Jonny Evans, Computerworld

Apple has in one move created the world's biggest online store for immediate gratification in desktop and notebook computing, and it is generating cash for those developers lucky enough to be featured within Apple's operation.

**** Newspaper Publishers Warn Apple Over iTunes Sales <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12391899>

The European Newspaper Publishers' Association (ENPA) says it is concerned by the company's plans to direct online sales through iTunes. If that happens, the ENPA warns, a large cut of their profits would go to Apple.

I fail to see how Apple has a monopoly on selling newspaper.

**** Apple's Verizon iPhone 4 Has Improved Antenna, Integrated GPS <http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/11/02/08/apples_verizon_iphone_4_has_improved_antenna_integrated_gps.html>
Katie Marsal, AppleInsider

**** Analysis: World Of Goo’s iPad Launch <http://2dboy.com/2011/02/08/ipad-launch/>
2D Boy

There is nothing all that remarkable to tell about the development of World of Goo for iPad, but this being our first App Store title, the month leading up to launch and the month that followed were very interesting times, as we gathered information and lessons about the App Store market that we hope will be of use to other developers.

**** Voila Review <http://www.maclife.com/article/reviews/voila_review>
Keoni Chavez, Mac Life

Voila from Smith Micro is a one-stop solution for grabbing everything from simple screens to video, and it has some handy features that elevate it far beyond your Mac’s stock capture tools.

**** Why Time Machine Is Becoming One Of The Most Important Features On The Mac <http://www.applebitch.com/2011/02/08/why-time-machine-is-becoming-one-of-the-most-important-features-on-the-mac/>

With the advent of the Mac App Store and, with Apple reportedly looking to make the move away from boxed retail software, Time Machine takes on a whole new level of importance for those who need it.

**** Verizon iPhone Causing Fragmentation Of iOS? We've Got The Real Story <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/02/08/verizon-iphone-causing-fragmentation-of-ios-weve-got-the-real/>
Steven Sande, TUAW

Fortunately for anyone using an iOS device, the answer was what I expected -- there is no differentiation between the AT&T and Verizon versions of the TeleNav app other than the obvious changes that were made to product branding and a few features. I was happy to see that TeleNav went out of their way to clarify the kerfuffle, and Kendrick has been able to update his post to reflect the new reality.

**** Apple Retail Store Changes Restocking Policies <http://www.zdnet.com/blog/apple/apple-retail-store-changes-restocking-policies/9495?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zdnet%2FApple+%28ZDNet+The+Apple+Core%29>
David Morgenstern, ZDNet

Previously, Apple accepted returns without a restocking fee if the item was returned within two weeks but unopened. Now, there’s no restriction on opening the box.

**** Google Translate For iPhone: Hits And Misses <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/09/google_translate_for_ios/>
Rik Myslewski, The Register

I certainly wouldn't advise using it as the basis for any attempt at meaningful communication with someone with whom you share no linguistic common ground.

**** Verizon iPhone Now Available To Order For Everyone <http://appadvice.com/appnn/2011/02/verizon-iphone-order/>
Alexander Vaughn, AppAdvice

**** Death Grip Signal Attenuation Still A Reality With The Verizon iPhone <http://appadvice.com/appnn/2011/02/death-grip-signal-attenuation-reality-verizon-iphone/>
Alexander Vaughn, AppAdvice

They had the chance to update the design, and did, but without much of an effect. The conspiracy theorists will say they kept the issue on purpose, to avoid admitting to the problem. Yet, it seems like the only truth is that squizing your iPhone.

**** New Showcase Apple Store In Downtown Palo Alto Gets Early Nod <http://www.mercurynews.com/peninsula/ci_17333622?source=rss&nclick_check=1>
Jesse Dungan, Palo Alto Daily News

Apple intends to raze the old Liddicoat's building at 340 University Ave. in downtown Palo Alto and build a showcase store featuring an arched, all-glass roof and a front wall of glass and stones, according to modified plans filed with the city.

**** Spiffy Up Your Music With Album Art <http://www.macworld.com/article/132944/2011/02/add_album_art.html>
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld

The quickest way to find a CD in a pile of jewel cases is by looking for its familiar cover. Similarly, you can use Cover Flow in iTunes to scroll through your songs and albums, and iOS devices let you flick through your music in Cover Flow view with your fingertip. Album art is both useful and decorative; it’s much nicer to see your music with cover art than the boring, default gray musical note graphic. Here’s how to find, add and work with album art in iTunes.

**** This App Is Your App <http://www.red-sweater.com/blog/1678/this-app-is-your-app>
Daniel Jalkut, Red Sweater

For me, I decided that the compromise is to provide, for those MAS customers who want it, full access to the direct-download versions of my software. Today, any customer who buys a MAS edition of my applications will find that, after running that edition at least once, they are automatically authorized to run direct-download versions of the app from that time forward.

**** iOS RSS Reader NewsRack Out Now In Mac App Store <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/02/09/ios-rss-reader-newsrack-out-now-in-mac-app-store/>
David Quilty, TUAW

The new version from omz:software offers syncing with Google Reader, drag and drop feed arrangement, tabbed browsing and thumbnail previews, just as any good feed reader should.

**** How To Create Labels With Pages <http://www.macworld.com/article/157749/2011/02/pageslabels.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Jeffery Battersby, Macworld

One gripe you’ll hear about Pages ’09, Apple’s otherwise excellent word processing and page layout application, is that it provides little in the way of support for printing labels. But, while it’s true that Pages doesn’t ship with any built-in label templates, it’s actually easy to create and use standard labels using Pages.

**** HP's Print-by-e-mail Service Works--mostly <http://www.macworld.com/article/157328/2011/02/hpeprint.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Melissa Riofrio With Jim Galbraith, Jon L. Jacobi, McKinley Noble, And Alex Wawro, PC World

**** iPod Classic Supplies Dwindle <http://www.loopinsight.com/2011/02/09/ipod-classic-supplies-dwindle/>
Jim Dalrymple, The Loop

**** Sparrow E-mail Client Lands In Mac App Store <http://www.macworld.com/article/157760/2011/02/sparrow_mac_app_store.html?lsrc=rss_main>
David Chartier, Macworld

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Can This Journalist Be Replaced By Software And Mechanical Turk? <http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/mimssbits/26354/>
Christopher Mims, Technology Review

An experiment being conducted by an alliance of journalists and computer scientists aims to combine the distributed human brainpower of Amazon's small-task outsourcing engine, Mechanical Turk, with a software boss pre-programmed with all the logic required to stitch myriad discrete human-accomplished tasks into something resembling the work of a single person.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** How To Be A Frugal Traveler <http://frugaltraveler.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/08/how-to-be-a-frugal-traveler/?partner=rss&emc=rss>
Seth Kugel, New York Times

No matter where your comfort zone lies, though, to be a successful frugal traveler you may have to shed your preconceived notions surrounding six areas. Once you do so, the rewards of seeing the world exceed the inconvenience of going without a plush terry-cloth robe.

**** Love You And Leave You <http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/42417c1a-2f34-11e0-88ec-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1D66MdXoz>
Kathrin Hille, Financial Times

Wang Tingting last saw her parents nearly two years ago, but now that they are reunited, no one knows what to say to one another. Finally, Su Taoying, Tingting’s mother, clasps her 12-year-old daughter’s hand and says, ruefully, “Next time I see you, you will be taller than me.” As they smile, the family resemblance is striking. And yet for the past five years they have not really been a family.

**** Gelatinas, A Floral Wonder And Growing Business <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/08/AR2011020802680.html?nav=rss_artsandliving/foodanddining>
Bonnie S. Benwick, Washington Post

Flowers have long been a fixture at the Montgomery Farm Women's Co-op, but a certain crop has really turned heads since fall. They are impossibly perfect, and edible.


**** M0014N Email Assignment <http://ditzy-dotty.blogspot.com/2011/02/m0014n-intl-mktg-email-assignment.html>
Chan Luo Er, Own Your Reality Without Apology

People everywhere have always looked down on the have-nots. It's human to do so. Now the Singapore government is giving our citizens a legit reason to be elitist - we're educated, therefore we should get married and have children. if you're uneducated, you should not be procreating.

**** Calls For Leeway In Use Of CPF <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110209-0000266/Calls-for-leeway-in-use-of-CPF>
Teo Xuanwei, Today

A workgroup set up by the Government feedback portal, REACH, has called for better support programmes for those who involuntarily end up jobless.

**** IBAHRI Expresses Concern About Human Rights And The Independence Of The Judiciary In Singapore <http://www.ibanet.org/Article/Detail.aspx?ArticleUid=0081C460-4B39-4ACB-BB40-8303FCEFDB31>
International Bar Association

**** Govt Urged To Top Up Retirement Savings <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_632866.html>
Elgin Toh, Straits Times

The government is being urged to give a monthly stipend of $200 to $300 to low-income older workers, to supplement the inadequate retirement savings of this vulnerable group of Singaporeans. This proposed Retirement Grant would, however, be only for those aged 65 and older who have passed a means test.

**** Election Watch Part V - In Search Of The Young Voters <http://de-leviathan.blogspot.com/2011/02/election-watch-part-v-in-search-of.html>
De Leviathan @ Sg

**** The Middle Class Nightmare <http://newnation.sg/2011/02/the-middle-class-nightmare/>
Fang Shihan, New Nation

The government has obviously forgotten about the initial proposal of ‘public housing’ and above all, what constitutes as ‘affordable housing’.

**** Reaching Everyone For Active Citizenry @ Home (REACH): Too Much Talk, Too Little Action? <http://guanyinmiao.wordpress.com/2011/02/09/reaching-everyone-for-active-citizenry-home-reach-too-much-talk-too-little-action/>
Guanyinmiao's Musings

The greatest issue that is plaguing REACH is one of credibility: Singaporeans and naturally going to be sceptical about a government-based unit tasked with gauging ground sentiments and gathering public feedback. There is a lingering atmosphere of amazement for many to see the government being receptive towards comments; yet the general populace pulls back with suspicion and uncertainty. A government presence not only makes individuals feel that the agency is redundant – since feedback can be channelled directly to the departments – but also question the desired impartiality of REACH in its delivery.

**** 行动党新人朱倍庆出战后港? <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp110209_003.shtml>
郑景祥, 联合早报


**** Pragmatitis <http://theofflinecitizen.wordpress.com/2011/02/08/pragmatitis/>
The Offline Citizen

If happiness is the goal of all human beings, and that one of the pre-requisite for greater happiness in the individual and the collective is a shift away from a self-centered materialistic culture towards a more selfless, fairer, more democratic, more compassionate society, then isn’t it unpragmatic to not do so?

**** AWARE Calls For Paternity Leave To Be Mandated By Law <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1109617/1/.html>
Hetty Musfirah, Channel NewsAsia

The Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE) called for the government to make several policy changes to support gender equality and improved parenting leave - at a time when Singapore's total fertility rate (TFR) has dropped to an all-time low.

In particular, it asked for paternity leave to be mandated by law.

**** Human Rights Watch To Singapore: Drop Charges Against Chee <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/02/human-rights-watch-to-singapore-drop-charges-against-chee/>
The Online Citizen

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