[MyAppleMenu] Aug 13, 2008

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Aug 13 13:15:01 EDT 2008


**** Data Backup 3 Vs Time Machine 1 <http://www.mymac.com/showarticle.php?id=3360>
by Neale Monks, MyMac Magazine
Time Machine is a great application that does precisely what it promises with minimal fuss. Youf want to backup only certain files, or use a wider range of media, or need to configure your backups around a specific schedule, Data Backup is an infinitely more flexible alternative.

**** Fire At Apple Campus In Cupertino <http://cultofmac.com/breaking-fire-at-apple-campus-in-cupertino/2519>
by Pete Mortensen, Cult Of Mac
Multiple Bay Area news outlets report that an Apple research and development facility located at 20605 Valley Green Drive in Cupertino was set ablaze late Tuesday night, with NBC affiliate KTVU blaming a malfunctioning air conditioning unit.

**** 'Slow' iPhone 3G Glitch Blamed On Secrecy <http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2008/08/13/1218306957900.html>
by Asher Moses, Sydney Morning Herald
A source at an Australian telco who did not wish to be named said Apple - paranoid about keeping the device under wraps - only provided the iPhone 3G to carriers the day before it went to market, leaving them with no time to test it thoroughly on their networks.

**** Best Buy To Sell iPhone In U.S. <http://db.tidbits.com/article/9735>
by Mark H. Anbinder, TidBITS

**** MobileMe: iPhone Push Lacks Mail Status Changes <http://www.macnn.com/articles/08/08/12/iphone.lacks.part.of.push/>
by MacNN
A forum post on Apple's discussion boards revealed that "read" message status changes, delete, reply-to, and move commands do not function with Push, with a technical document indicating that suers must manually check their mail in order to receive updates.

**** The iPhone Kill Switch Is Innovative <http://www.tonybove.com/blog/?p=52>
by Bove's Blips
Apple can claim the ethical high ground in protecting its platform, as its platform is not a monopoly. I would argue that the kill switch is an innovative approach to protecting a platform in this age of criminal conspiracies to steal your personal information.

**** Killing Apple's iPhone Kill-Switch <http://www.iphoneatlas.com/2008/08/12/killing-apples-iphone-kill-switch/>
by iPhone Atlas
Requires jailbreaking.

**** T-Mobile Netherlands Puts Reception Issues On Apple <http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-10015661-37.html>
by Tom Krazit, CNET News.com
In a company blog posting Tuesday morning, T-Mobile Netherlands threw the iPhone 3G under the bus, blaming Apple for the problems its customers have been experiencing connecting to 3G networks in that country.

**** Why Your Student Should Take A Mac To College <http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/tech/drmac/5937754.html?sr=hotnews>
by Bob LeVitus, Houston Chronicle

**** NetNanny's Parental Controls Come To The Mac <http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2008/08/12/netnannys-parental-controls-come-to-the-mac>
by Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica
Being able to schedule when kids have access and even keep logs of what they're doing can be a major help if you're not able to sit right next to them at all times.

**** Why Apple Doesn't Do "Concept Products" <http://counternotions.com/2008/08/12/concept-products/>
by Counternotions
Real artists ship, dabblers create concept products.

**** Launchpad Chicken: MobileMe And Sync Trouble <http://www.mondaynote.com/?p=783>
by Jean-Louis Gassee, Monday Note
Simple is hard. Easy is harder. Invisible is hardest.

**** Vetting The App Store Approval Process <http://www.macworld.com/article/134960/2008/08/appstore.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Rob Griffiths and Dan Frakes, Macworld
Here are five issues that have gotten attention in recent weeks, along with our proposed solutions.

**** Microsoft Updates Office 2004 And 2008 <http://www.macworld.com/article/134958/2008/08/office.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
Taking a page from Apple's most recent updates, Microsoft said "this update contians several improvements to enhance stability and performance."

**** Access Your Bonjour Services Anywhere With ShareTool <http://www.macworld.com/article/134954/2008/08/sharetool.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Jim Dalrymple, Macworld

**** Entourage Email Archive Supports Latest Version Of Office <http://www.macworld.com/article/134953/2008/08/entourage.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
Entourage Email Archive is a utility designed to allow users to archive emails and attachments from Entourage.

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Yahoo Unveils Platform For Location-Based Services <http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/08/12/yahoo-unveils-platform-for-location-based-services/>
by Miguel Helft, New York Times

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Harvesting The Waste Land: An Anthology Of New Criticism <http://www.nysun.com/arts/harvesting-the-waste-land-an-anthology-of-new/83727/>
by Adam Kirsch, New York Sun
The New Criticism is too good and too serious to be dismissed as advertisement. It deserves to be remembered, instead, as the scaffolding on which the monument of modernism was raised.

**** This Is Not My Beautiful Wife <http://www.salon.com/books/review/2008/08/13/galchen/index.html>
by Laura Miller, Salon
Meteorology meets conspiracy in Rivka Glachen's exquisite first novel about a man who mistakes his wife for an impostor.

**** Louis Owens And John Steinbeck's Ghosts <http://www.villagevoice.com/2008-08-12/news/john-steinbeck-s-ghosts>
by Tony Ortega, Village Voice
A mystery solved with the help of a professor and a mobster's musician.

**** Down With The Perfect 10! <http://www.slate.com/id/2197336/?from=rss>
by Jordan Ellenberg, Slate
A mathematician explains the genius of the new gymnastics scoring system.

**** God And Jerk At Yale <http://chronicle.com/temp/reprint.php?id=khsql7lymzwpfcw7vmz6wpslw2v1c6nx>
by Rachel Toor, Chronicle Of Higher Education
The difference between having a college degree and not having one is far greater than where you go to college. But where you go can determine, to a large extent, who you become. Some of us become jerks. And others spend our lives trying to figure out what it meant to have been there &mdash; and how to get over it.


**** Sim Lim's Black Sheep Causes Worry <http://blogs.straitstimes.com/2008/8/13/sim-lim-s-black-sheep-cause-worry>
by Tan Wei Zhen, Straits Times
The reaction of many retailers at Sim Lim Square to the increasing number of complaints being made against them is a shrug, followed by a resigned "what to do?"

**** LKY Do A "You Can't Handle The Truth!" <http://kelvintan73.livejournal.com/102062.html>
by kelvintan73
"You weep for liberal democracy and you curse pragmatism; you have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that authoritarian democracy, while tragic, probably saved jobs and that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves jobs."

**** Southern Islands At Crossroads <http://www.straitstimes.com/Singapore/Story/STIStory_267418.html>
by Serene Goh, Straits Times
The vision of the southern islands as an eco-paradise hangs in the balance with the departure of their champion, Mrs Pamelia Lee.

**** From Jams To Judiciary <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/270531.asp>
by Loh Chee Kong, Today

>From missing factory rooftops to the perennial Causeway crawl, businessmen from both sides voiced their concerns over doing business across the Causeway.

**** Flicks For Free <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/270497.asp>
by Today
We have provided you with our cheat... erm, cheap sheet on free movies to help ease the rising cost of living, eye-bulging oil pries and that shrinking discretionary household income.

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