[Retros] Essay about the numbering of chess retromoves

Joaquim Crusats joaquimchessproblem at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 14:11:46 EDT 2021

I'm preparing a short article about the numbering of retromoves for the
next issue of Problemas (to be publised on July 1).Would any of you be
willing to review it before publication? You could remain anonymous or,
ideally, you could add a few comments at the end with your name. Its less
than two pages long and the title and the first paragraph are:

On the numbering of chess retromoves: some thoughts

This essay is not meant to be any set of recommendations on how to number
the moves in the descriptions of the solutions of retroanalytical problems
and it is only meant to provide some thoughts that may be useful to foster
further disсussion.

After a brief introduction, there are the following three sections: (1) The
use of a minus sign for retromoves; (2) Classical-style retros, whose
retraction should be indicated first? (3) Zero moves.

Send me an email (joaquimchessproblem at gmail.com) if you are interested in
reading the draft.
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