[Retros] Yoav Ben-Zvi Memorial Tourney

Thomas Brand t.brand at gmx.net
Wed Aug 25 11:50:15 EDT 2021

Dear retro friends,

The family of Yoav Ben-Zvi together with the Israeli Chess Composition Society are announcing a chess problem composition tourney dedicated to the memory of Yoav Ben-Zvi. 
Yoav’s favourite genre was retrograde problems, and the Thematic Tourney requires orthodox Proof Games according to the detailed definition (with examples) in the official announcement (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-j7wK5JRMMSvOTaqo8i2-E6DDvCoihBQ32S_P8yE-qE/edit# <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-j7wK5JRMMSvOTaqo8i2-E6DDvCoihBQ32S_P8yE-qE/edit#>), i.e. showing clearance manoeuvre with pure motivation.

Yoav’s family donated seven Prizes (total: 2,000 EUR!), closing date is Feb 28, 2020. Send your entires (up to three) to director Omer Friedland, omrfree at gmail.com <mailto:omrfree at gmail.com>. The judge is Hans Gruber.

Please reprint!

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