[Retros] Publishing Compositions

Jack Murtagh murtagh.jack at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 01:34:06 EDT 2020


I recently finished composing a retro problem that I think is worthy of
publication or entry to a competition but I have never published a problem
and I'm having trouble understanding the landscape here. Some questions I
have are:

1. When you've composed a problem you're proud of, what do you do next?
2. Why choose one publication venue over another? Are some more competitive
or better for certain kinds of problems?
3. How do tournaments/competitions work? Often when solving a problem, you
see the composer's name, year, and "3rd Prize" or "Honorable Mention" -
where do these labels come from? Are these usually "informal tournaments"?
Do most formal competitions other than the WCCI have pre-specified themes?
4. Can you publish a problem in a magazine/journal and also submit it to a

I apologize if these things have been asked many times before. I've done a
lot of research today and had trouble finding definitive answers to these

Thank you so much for any help,
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