[Retros] Announcement of 5th Retroblog Theme Tourney

Thomas Brand t.brand at gmx.net
Mon Sep 16 03:25:51 EDT 2019

Dear retro friends,

Here you find the announcement of the 5th Retroblog Theme Tourney

Best wishes and much fun with this interesting topic,



5th Retroblog TT on Fuddled Men proofgames

With "Fuddled Men", no unit can make two moves in succession. This
restriction also holds for the effect on the opponent's king.

In an article Bernd Gräfrath demonstrates this fairy condition with six
original proof games, and in order to encourage the further exploration
of this thematic field, the Retroblog announces a thematic tourney for
proof games with Fuddled Men. Both article and announcement of the
thematic tourney you will find at

Please send you entries until March 31, 2020 to me; Bernd will judge the
tourney. Much fun and good luck!


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