[Retros] Some precisions Re: Retro Tourney - RIFACE 2018

Alain BROBECKER abrobecker at yahoo.com
Sat May 19 13:33:12 EDT 2018

Dear retro friends,
Please note that no other fairy condition is accepted for the retro tourney.Also if you can send a picture (.png or .jpg) of the problem it wouldfor faster access.
Best regards, and happy composingAlain

Alain Brobecker - http://abrobecker.free.fr/ 

    Le vendredi 18 mai 2018 à 06:44:29 UTC+2, Alain BROBECKER <abrobecker at yahoo.com> a écrit :  
 Dear retro friends,
The theme for this year's quick composing tourney is Berolina pawns and can be found here:http://abrobecker.free.fr/Riface2018_RetroTourney.pdf

One submission only allowed for external composer, please submit before Sunday 20/05 at 15h00 (French timezone) to abrobecker at yahoo.com
Happy composingAlain Brobecker 
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