[Retros] Puzzle - Pronkin-knight

Nicolas Dupont Nicolas.Dupont at univ-lille1.fr
Thu Sep 8 11:55:23 EDT 2016

> Construct a Knight Pronkin (during a PG an original Knight  is  
> captured and replaced on its homesquare by a promoted one) with  28  
> homebased pieces in the diagram position.

Per proposed the following 27 attempt:

1. Cg1-f3  Pa7-a5  2. Cf3-d4  Pa5-a4  3. Cd4-b3  Pa4xb3   4. Pa2-a4  
Ta8-a6  5. Pa4-a5 Ta6-b6   6. Pa5-a6 Pc7-c6 7. Pa6-a7  Tb6-a6  8.  
Pa7-a8=C Dd8-a5   9. Ca8-b6  Re8-d8   10. Cb6-c4  Rd8-c7   11. Cc4-e5   
  Rc7-d6  12. Ce5-f3 Da5-d8  13. Cf3-g1.

Not easy but nevertheless possible to reach 28, as follows:

1. Cg1-f3   Cb8-c6     2. Cf3-e5   Cc6-d4     3. Ce5-c6   Cd4-f5
4. Pd2-d4   Pd7xc6     5. Pd4-d5   Re8-d7     6. Pd5-d6   Rd7-e6
7. Pd6-d7   Dd8-e8     8. Pd7-d8=C Re6-f6     9. Cd8-e6   De8-d8
10. Ce6-f4   Rf6-g5    11. Cf4-h3   Rg5-h4    12. Ch3-g1

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