[Retros] distance-PG-

roberto osorio osorio.arg at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 14:57:44 EDT 2016

Hi friends,

sorry, badly presented. It is,,

"find a sound PG performing a  distance of SQR1125 ending in checkmate*"*

2016-09-06 21:36 GMT-03:00 roberto osorio <osorio.arg at gmail.com>:

> Hi friends,
> I have first of all remark that I made a previous mistake  stating what is
> feasible or not.
> (regarding pure geometrical nature of the moves)
> I'm not being clearer in order to propose the following puzzle,
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------
> "find a sound PG performing a  distance of SQR20 ending in checkmate*"*
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------
> best,
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