[Retros] Two-pawns chess

Nicolas Dupont Nicolas.Dupont at univ-lille1.fr
Sat Sep 15 10:04:36 EDT 2012

> I don't see where the discussion about the 'checks' comes from. I think

> Eric was clear about the rules. I quote: 'orthodox rules + just one

> unorthodox rule: if your opponent captures a second pawn (of yours), you

> have lost the game.'

The sentence "you have lost the game" certainly makes sense for an otb
player but, as a problemist, I don't know what it means!

So, in my humble opinion, "you have lost the game" should be changed
in "you are checkmated", if one wants to define "N-pawns chess" as a
fairy condition.

Saving Kings as royal pieces is a matter of convention.

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