[Retros] fake castling

Andrew Buchanan andrew at anselan.com
Thu Oct 11 13:45:15 EDT 2012

Ulrich Ring wrote:

>Am 07.10.2012 08:12, schrieb Andrew Buchanan:

>> Before wrapping up on the fake castling theme, here's another shortie

>> with White at home, but now including another familiar trope:

>> 2kr1bnr/ppp1pppp/8/3p4/8/8/PP1PPPPP/RNBQKBNR

>> SPG 7.0 C+ Euclide 0.99


>as a variation (all but the faking protagonists in home base), look at:


>SPG 7.0 C+ Natch 2.4

>(alternativ: Pa7->e7)

>Best, Uli.

Yes, why not? :)

And here's another one with White at home:
SPG 10.0 C+ Euclide 0.99


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