[Retros] Fwd: Proof game promotion task

joose norri joose_norri at hotmail.com
Sun May 9 22:23:01 EDT 2010

Yes, obviously one could do; but why!? Sorry, missed the irony. On a serious note, at least Caillaud and Heinonen have produced games with funny positions, is there anything more to those, Michel, or was it just an inside joke? OK, it's a feat to do in the fwevest moves, but...Joose Norri

> To: retros at janko.at

> Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 21:52:51 -0400

> From: elkies at math.harvard.edu

> CC: tchow at alum.mit.edu

> Subject: [Retros] Fwd: Proof game promotion task


> "Timothy Y. Chow" <tchow at alum.mit.edu> asks:


> > [...] What is the most number of knights (or queens, or whatever)

> > to appear in the set position of a proof game [with a unique solution]?


> I suppose one could also ask to maximize pieces of the same kind and

> a single color; e.g. shas anybody constructed a sound proof game ending

> with 10 white Bishops on the board?



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