[Retros] The problemist May 2008

Joost de Heer joost at sanguis.xs4all.nl
Wed May 28 06:10:28 EDT 2008

On Wed, 28 May 2008, Alain BROBECKER wrote:

> Dear retro fans,


> Sorry for previous mail with inlined copy of many messages.


> Concerning the following problem, i have a proof game leading to

> the position where castlings rights allow two mates in two.

> 4k2r/1p2ppsb/1p2p2Q/bP2S1S1/2P2Pp1/2P2Pp1/2PR2P1/R3K3

White can't castle either if b6 came from c7. This probably should've been
published with 'pRA', but I can't remember having seen it under the
diagram. I'll check when I'm at home again.


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