[Retros] Definition of themes in retro-wiki

raosorio at fibertel.com.ar raosorio at fibertel.com.ar
Tue Jun 24 16:10:54 EDT 2008


I think this would be a proper time to unify and agree some terminology.
Many of the disussed terms are related to homesquares and promotion squares.

This recalls me my first year in the Chemical Engineering faculty (70s!). It was
the time when the terminology for organic chemistry (a nightmare) started to be
"rational", i.e., names that describe its subject in a logical way destinated to replace
the old empirical names.

The propossal that Andrey Frolkin and I presented in our article "There is no place
like home" (using homesquares in SPGs), Strategems oct 2007, shows a clear
analogy with this; the difference is that we did not pretended to replace the existing
names (for instance, Pronkin) but to stablish a theorical base that contain all this
tricks logically connected to few basic concepts.

* Homebase (hb): a piece standing on a square that corresponds to this piece TYPE
in the initial array.

* Homecircuit (hc): a piece standing on its TRUE homesquare

So, what's a hb-non-hc piece?: An impostor. A piece pretending to be the true square's
owner (Pronkin, sibling).

And what's a hc-non-hb piece?: A "Pawn/officer Rundlauf", from homesquare to promotion
and back to homesquare. In this case the homesquare generates a "meta-homesquare"
for any piece of the same type as the promoted one (say, if the f2 pawn promotes to a knight
and the b1 knight is standing on f2, then it's a sort of "meta-impostor"; we named it as

Complementary, the promotion squares are meta-homesquares.

* Meta-homebase (meta-hb): a piece standing on the promotion square of a piece of the
same type and color.

* Meta-homecircuit (meta-hc): a piece standing on its promotion square.

So, what's a meta-(hb-non-hc)?: an Antipronkin

In addition, there is the Stationary condition (stationary is a piece that did not move;
meta-stationary is a piece that did not move after promotion) and the "phantom"
condition (a piece captured on its thematic square).

What's a meta-stationary phantom?: a Schnoebelen
What's a meta-(hc-non stationary) piece? a Gianni Donatti 50th JT trick.

And so on.

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