[Retros] last move type D

raosorio at fibertel.com.ar raosorio at fibertel.com.ar
Sat Mar 3 09:48:01 EST 2007

Hi Mario,

Werner found a wonderful matrix to build the O-O-O case.
Jorge and I were working the O-O one based on DR and found the following,

O-O/P/18 1n1q1rk1/4pp1p/4rp1K/2b2pnP/3pb3/5p2/6p1/8

On the other hand, here is another same nature case,

PxQ=N/PxQ=N/24 kNb2b2/rp1pppp1/p1p5/8/8/5P1P/1PPPP1PR/2B2BnK

Roberto Osorio & Jorge Lois

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