[Retros] Finite and infinite length records in Animal Chess

Bernd Gräfrath retromode at web.de
Sat Dec 1 23:21:36 EST 2007

Dear retro friends,

concerning the infinite chess problem: I think it is the accepted convention in chess problem composition that after a threefold repetition of the same position, the game is an automatic draw. This has some advantages; for example, it can be used as a compositional tool in retractors (when such a draw has to be avoided).

Concerning a finite length problem: My following problem, if correct, extends my length record for Animal Chess. Mario, can you help again?

1. P P 2. P P 3. P P 4. PxP PxP+ 5. AxP H 6. PxH=H A 7. AxP AxA 8. P AxH 9. P A 10. P O

11. PxH P 12. PxA=A P 13. AxP HxA 14. P P 15. P P 16. P P=A 17. P AxH 18. P=H AxH+ 19. AxA H 20. HxH+ A

21. HxA+ H 22. H+ PxA 23. P H 24. P H 25. PxP H 26. P H 27. A H 28. A H 29. PxA=A HxP 30. AxA H

31. P P 32. P P 33. P P 34. P P 35. P=A P=A 36. AxP A#.

The intended solution is at the bottom of this e-mail.

Best wishes,


















Intended solution: 1. h4 c5 2. h5 c4 3. h6 c3 4. hxg7 cxd2+ 5. Nxd2 Qc7 6. gxf8B Nf6 7. Rxh7 Nxh7 8. b4 Nxf8 9. b5 Nh7! 10. b6 0-0 11. bxc7 b5 12. cxb8N b4 13. Nxd7 Bxd7 14. c4 b3 15. c5 b2 16. c6 b1R 17. c7 Rxc1 18. c8Q Rxd1+ 19. Rxd1 Bg4 20. Qxg4+ Ng5 21. Qxg5+ Kh7 22. Qg6+ fxg6 23. f4 Kg7 24. f5 Kf6 25. fxg6 Ke5 26. g7 Kd4 27. Nh3 Kc3 28. Nf2 Kb2 29. gxf8R Kxa2 30. Rxa8 Kb2 31. g4 a5 32. g5 a4 33. g6 a3 34. g7 a2 35. g8N a1N 36. Nxe7 Nc2#. Allumwandlung (BNrQRNn), smothered mate.

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