[Retros] Task

Noam Elkies elkies at math.harvard.edu
Sat Sep 23 21:49:57 EDT 2006

> In the web-site "France-Echecs", I proposed the following problem :

> Construct the shortest possible exact proof game ending by a check-mate

> given by a piece returning at home.

What's the link?

> Here are our records, the 2 sections depending on whether or not

> some piece is captured during the game :

There could also be separate sections for discovered, direct
and double check (though of course not all pieces can do
all of them).

> Knight with capture : not least [...]

What does "not least" mean?

> Rook without capture : 9 moves (Itamar Faybish)

This at least is not optimal:

1 f3 h5 2 Kf2 h4 3 Qe1 h3 4 Kg3 Nf6 5 Qf2 Rg8 6 Kh4 Se4 7 g3 f5 8 Qg2 Rh8#

(C+ Popeye very quickly), and one can probably go below 8.0
with some more effort.

--Noam D. Elkies

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