[Retros] Thema Danicum

Henrik Juel hj at imm.dtu.dk
Fri Jun 2 05:15:29 EDT 2006

Here are solutions and original retros from recent issues of Thema

But first a somewhat sad announcement: Thema Danicum will stop bringing
originals after 2006 and cease publication after 2007 (during 2007
things will be finalized with solutions, awards, and articles). Since we
have enough originals on hand, we will not be able to accept any new

I want to thank the many retro composers who have submitted fine
problems during my tenure as retro sub-editor. Maybe we can continue the
cooperation some time in the future.

Henrik Juel, hj at imm.dtu.dk

Solutions to retros from Thema Danicum 120, October 2005:

9848, Juel
-1.c5xPd5ep d7 -2.Kf3xPe3 f4xPe4ep -3.e2.

9849, Eyjólfsson
1.d4 c6 2.Bf4 Qb6 3.Bxb8 Qc7 4.b3 Qf4 5.Bxf4 Sf6 6.Bc1 Sd5 7.f4 f6.

9850, Eyjólfsson
1.f3 e5 2.Kf2 Be7 3.Kg3 Bh4+ 4.Kg4 Se7 5.Kh5 g6+ 6.Kh6 Rg8 7.Kxh7 Rg7+
8.Kh8 Sg8 9.d4 Ke7 10.Bg5+ Ke6 11.Bf6 Kf5 12.Qd3+ Kf4 13.Qf5 Ke3
14.Sc3 Kd2 15.Se4+ Kxc2 16.Rd1 d5 17.Rd2+ Kb1 18.Sg5+ Ka1 19.Sh7.

Solutions to retros from Thema Danicum 121, January 2006:

9926, Donati
1.d3 h5 2.Bf4 Sh6 3.Bd6 exd6 4.Sc3 Qd5 5.Qd1 Qc1+ 6.Sd1 g5 7.a3 Bg7
8.Qa2 Bxb2 9.Qc4 f6 10.Qg4 Kf7 11.Sf3 Re8 12.Sd2 Re3 13.Sb1 Rh3
14.e3 Kg6 15.Be2 Sf7 16.Bf3 Sh8 17.Bc6 dxc6 18.0-0 c5 19.Sdc3 Sc6
20.Qd1 Bg4 21.Kh1 Be2 22.f3 Bxf1 23.Se2 g4 24.Sg1 Kg5.
wQ tempo roundtrip, wS's switch place.

9927, Gräfrath
-1.e7xSf8=S Sh7xBf8/Sf8 -2.f6xBe7, 1.Bg7#/Sxg6#.

9928, Wenda
-1.Kf4 Sf7xQRBSh8 -2.QRBS=h7 Sh8 -3.Kf3 Rg2 -4.Se8, 1.Kg4#.
Not -1.Kf3? B=h2!

Retros from Thema Danicum 122, April 2006:

8/2p1pp2/2p5/3p1p2/1PP2P1p/4P2K/1P2P2P/5bBk (9+9)

. . . . . . . . Henrik Juel
. . + . + + . . dedicated to Leif Schmidt, 70
. . + . . . . .
. . . + . + . . 10019, TD 122
. o o . . o . +
. . . . o . . K
. o . . o . . o
. . . . . b B k Captures of bishops?

1b1n3n/3k2rP/8/8/b2r4/3p4/8/4K3 (2+8)

. b . n . . . n Wolfgang Dittmann
. . . k . . r o dedicated to Leif Schmidt, 70
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 10020, TD 122
b . . r . . . .
. . . + . . . .
. . . . . . . . Anticirce Cheylan
. . . . K . . . Proca -2.5, #1

rnbqQbnr/ppp1pppp/8/3P4/4B3/8/PPPP1P1P/RNBkK1NR (15+15)

r n b q Q b n r Michael Grushko
+ + + . + + + + dedicated to Henrik Juel
. . . . . . . .
. . . o . . . . 10021, TD 122
. . . . B . . .
. . . . . . . .
o o o o . o . o Monochrome
R N B k K . N R Proof game 8.0

Retros from Thema Danicum 123, July 2006:

Knb3R1/brrp4/Rpp5/qp6/kP6/p1P5/P2PPppp/6Q1 (9+15)

K n b . . . R . Niels Høeg, 1923
b r r + . . . . version Hannu Lehto
R + + . . . . .
q + . . . . . . 10095, TD 123
k o . . . . . .
+ . o . . . . .
o . . o o + + +
. . . . . . Q . White retracts and #1

Bnbqkbnr/2ppp2p/8/p7/Q2K4/1P2R1P1/2PPP1PP/BN4NR (15+12)

B n b q k b n r Andrej Frolkin & Kostas Prentos
. . + + + . . +
. . . . . . . . 10096, TD 123
+ . . . . . . .
Q . . K . . . .
. o . . R . o .
. . o o o . o o
B N . . . . N R Proof game 16.5

r4bn1/p4p11/b4pp1/p5k1/rp3qn1/BPP5/3PPP2/RN2KB1R (11+14)

r . . . . b n . Unto Heinonen
+ . . . . + . . dedicated to Leif Schmidt, 70
b . . . . + + .
+ . . . . . k . 10097, TD 123
r + . . . q n .
B o o . . . . .
. . . o o o . .
R N . . K B . R Proof game 17.0

Henrik Juel. Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Building 321,
Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/~hj Phone +45 4525 3391 Fax +45 4528 1344

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