[Retros] Messigny 2006 retro composing results

CAILLAUDM at aol.com CAILLAUDM at aol.com
Sun Jul 23 19:16:31 EDT 2006

Here it is.
Sorry for the great delay in posting this award.

There were 12 entries by 7 composers.
I made 2 mistakes in the announcement.
1) I forgot to mention than in the Pronkin spirit, the original piece has to
be captured; in consequence, I had to accept entries with the wrong
"Messigny" definition, though they were underrated as less paradoxical than the "real
2) I didn't put a limitation on number of entries per composer; Andrey
Frolkin took the opportunity to enter 5 problems, all of them of a good level as
could be expected. One of the goals of these quick tourneys is to bring
newcomers to the genre, and it would not be very encouraging if the awards were
overwhelmed by "professionnals". So I applied an a posteriori limitation of 2
problems per composer (also economizing my job on the place) and I will make it
systematically for the next quick tourneys I will organize (Champagne...).

Andrey Frolkin
13 last single moves? (14+14)
the most profond conception on the theme where Pronkin appears in the try
and anti-Pronkin in the solution!
There are numerous tries of unpromoting pieces on f8,g8, the most
interesting, from a thematical point of view, being the one where WBc1 is a Pronkin.
The reality is that WBc1 is in fact an anti-Pronkin which performed a
swichback, quite unexpected when considering the diagram!
last moves :
-1.Qf7-é8+ h2-h1=B -2.Bb2-ç1 h3-h2 -3.Bg7-b2 h4-h3 -4.Bf8-g7 h5-h4 -5.Qg8-f7
h6-h5 -6.g7-g8=Q h7-h6 -7.h6×Bg7
then Bf8 goes back to ç1!, b2-b3, R~-a3, a3-a2, b4×Ba3! (a black colored
Bishop is the only piece that can unpromote on f8!), b5-b4, f7-f8=B, f6-f7, f7×Qé
6, é6×Bd7
Pronkin try : -5.Q~-f7 h6-h5 -6.f7-f8=B h7-h6 -7.f6-f7 f7×Q,R,Né6 but the
original WQB can never go back home!
Other tries : -2.b2-b3 b3×Na2 with Knight promoting on f8,g8 or screening on
e8, all ending in retrostalemate.
I find Bh1 ugly, and I don't think it justifies adding 2 (obvious) single
moves to the retroplay, but that is a question of personal taste.

1st HM
Dmitrij Baibikov
Add men (11+14)
add WQd1,WNb1,BNa3
the 26 last moves are precisely determined!
-1…Bç3-d2+ -2.Nd2-b1 Bb1-d3+ -3.Né4-d2 h4-h3 -4.Nf6-é4 h5-h4 -5.Ng8-f6 h6-h5
-6.g7-g8=N h7-h6 -7.h6×Ng7 Nf5-g7 -8.h5-h6 Né3-f5 -9.Qd3-d1 Nd1-é3+
-10.Qf5-d3 f4-f3 -11.Qf8-f5 f5-f4 -12.Qa8-f8 f6-f5 -13.a7-a8=Q f7-f6 -14.a6-a7
Without the WQb3 on diagram, making Qd1 a "Messigny Pronkin", this beautiful
problem would have got a Prize.
Also I would have prefer a presentation with Na3 on board. Given the theme
it looks better if only thematical pieces are "materialized" by the
stipulation; the difficulty of solving is not the more important criteria in this case.

2nd HM ex aequo
Andrey Frolkin et Thierry Le Gleuher
Both composers hit on the same idea with very near renderings (note the
trick of WKc7 to precise the last moves).
Also Gerd Wilts used a similar mechanism but without the sucessful AUW.

Where did the promotions take place? (12+11)
last moves :
-1.Rh6-h7+ ç3-ç2 -2.Qd8-d1 ç4-ç3 -3.d7-d8=Q ç5-ç4 -4.d6-d7 ç6-ç5 -5.ç5×Q,R,N
d7-d8=B, ç7-ç8=R, ç7-ç8=N

Solve the position (11+12)
last moves :
-1.Qd8-d1 ç4-ç3 -2.d7-d8=Q ç5-ç4 -3.d6-d7 ç6-ç5 -4.ç5×Q,R,N
d7-d8=B, ç7-ç8=R, ç7-ç8=N

The mechanism for getting 4 promotions is known from Alexandr Kislyak, for
Alexandr Kislyak, Prize, Cherkaskaya Pravda 1990
Solve the position (13+11)
last moves :
-1.g3×Bh4+ Bg5-h4 -2.é5-é6 Bh6-g5 -3.f4×Qé5 Qé4-é5 -4.g5×Nf6 Qb1-é4
-5.h4×Ng5 b2-b1=Q -6.a2-a3 a3×Nb2 then d1=N twice (Knights uncaptured on f6,g5) and
c1=B with final unlocking by d2×Né3
Kislyak has no AUW but the promoted pieces are captured, that is much more
difficult than leaving them on the board! That is why the problems are HMs and
not Prizes.

1st Com
Gerd Wilts
Solve the position (14+13)
retro-play : a7-a8=R b3×Pa4, ç7-ç8=B d2×Pç3, g2×Bf1=B, h3×Rg2 then :
-n.Rg1-g2 ç4-ç3 -n+1.g2-g3 ç5-ç4 -n+2.Bf2-h4 ç6-ç5 -n+3.Qh4-h5 ç7-ç6
-n+4.Rh5-g5 a5-a4 -n+5.Ng5-h7 Kh7-g7 -n.6.N~-g5+
So, Bf1 and Rh1 are Pronkin.
The promoted Bh3 is a flaw. (Amusing detail?! : placed at ç8 on the diagram,
it would be a "Messigny Pronkin")

2nd Com
Philippe Leroy
Solve the position (13+15)
A very attractive position.
An original Knight had to capture "a la anti-Pronkin", the WKB on f1, future
promotion (to Knight) square.
An original Knight was captured on b3.
Then black h Pawn could the 2 WR, promote and replace the captured Knight,
"a la Pronkin".
I think the problem could support an extra stipulation "a la Smullyan" such
as "BNb8 never moved" to have more determination in the retroplay.

3rd Com
Pascal Wassong
Solve the position (14+16)
Try :
-1.ç7-ç8=N b4-b3 -2.ç6-ç7 b5-b4 -3.ç5-ç6 b6-b5 -4.ç4-ç5 retro-stalemate
Solution :
-1.Nd6-ç8 b4-b3 -2.Nf5-d4 b5-b4 -3.Nh4-f5 b6-b5 -4.Nf6-h5 Rh5-h6 then Knight
initially on f5 unpromotes on c8.
Not really an Anti-Pronkin as the promoted Knight is on the diagram

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