[Retros] 8th row mates by knight promotion

Mario Richter mri_two at t-online.de
Sun Dec 31 05:16:21 EST 2006

Hello Olli,

>> The groups that I improved are:

>> b (earlier record 8.0), c (8.0), g (8.5), bxa (7.0),

>> axb (8.0), cxb (7.0), dxc (8.0), dxe (9.0), fxe (9.0),

>> fxg (8.0) and hxg (8.5).

Great work! And still at least in some cases not the minimum:

Pa7xb8=N 13 plies (former record: Olli 15)
1. Pc2-c4 Pb7-b6 2. Qd1-b3 Pb6-b5 3. Pc4xb5 Pa7-a6
4. Pb5-b6 Ra8-a7 5. Pb6xa7 Pd7-d6 6. Qb3xf7 Ke8-d7
7. Pa7xb8=N

Pd7xc8=N 13 plies (Olli 14)
1. Pc2-c4 Pe7-e5 2. Pc4-c5 Qd8-f6 3. Pc5-c6 Ke8-e7
4. Pc6xd7 Qf6-c6 5. Qd1-c2 Ke7-d6 6. Qc2-f5 Pe5-e4
7. Pd7xc8=N

Pf7xg8=N 13 plies (Olli 14)
1. Pe2-e4 Pf7-f5 2. Pe4-e5 Ng8-f6 3. Pe5xf6 Pe7-e5
4. Pf6-f7 Ke8-e7 5. Qd1-h5 Pg7-g5 6. Qh5-g6 Rh8-g8
7. Pf7xg8=N


Pf7-f8=N 13 plies (Andrew 14)
1. Pe2-e4 Pf7-f5 2. Pe4-e5 Ng8-f6 3. Pe5xf6 Pe7-e5
4. Qd1-g4 Bf8-d6 5. Pf6-f7 Ke8-e7 6. Qg4xg7 Rh8-e8
7. Pf7-f8=N

And as one could expect, many of the bishop cases are not
minimal too:

Pb7-b8=B 13 plies (Andrew 18)
1. Pc2-c4 Pe7-e6 2. Pc4-c5 Ke8-e7 3. Pc5-c6 Ke7-d6
4. Pc6xb7 Pc7-c6 5. Qd1-a4 Kd6-c7 6. Qa4xa7 Nb8-a6
7. Pb7-b8=B
(This would also improve the Q and R case - but I don't know
if here and in the Pg7-g8=B case discovered and/or double-check
are allowed ...)

Pg7-g8=B 13 plies (Hirokaz 14)
1. Pd2-d4 Pe7-e5 2. Pd4xe5 Ng8-f6 3. Pe5xf6 Ph7-h6
4. Pf6xg7 Pf7-f6 5. Qd1-d3 Ke8-f7 6. Qd3-h7 Qd8-e8
7. Pg7-g8=B

Pb7xa8=B 13 plies (Andrew 16)
1. Pc2-c4 Pd7-d6 2. Pc4-c5 Bc8-f5 3. Pc5-c6 Bf5-g6
4. Pc6xb7 Ke8-d7 5. Qd1-b3 Kd7-c6 6. Qb3-b4 Qd8-d7
7. Pb7xa8=B

Pc7xd8 13 plies (Hirokaz 14)
1. Pd2-d4 Pc7-c5 2. Pd4-d5 Nb8-c6 3. Pd5xc6 Pd7-d6
4. Pc6-c7 Ke8-d7 5. Qd1-d4 Kd7-c6 6. Qd4-a4 Kc6-b6
7. Pc7xd8=B

Pg7xh8=B 13 plies (Andrew 14)
1. Pd2-d4 Pe7-e5 2. Pd4xe5 Ng8-f6 3. Pe5xf6 Bf8-a3
4. Pf6xg7 Ke8-e7 5. Qd1xd7 Ke7-f6 6. Qd7-g4 Qd8-e7
7. Pg7xh8=B

Happy New Year!


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