[Retros] call for Messigny 2006

Kostas Prentos prentos at the.forthnet.gr
Sat Apr 15 18:20:52 EDT 2006

MessageDear Thierry,

Here are two PGs that can be used at the Messigny retro solving championship. I attach two files. The first file (Messigny Retro Solving-1.doc) has two diagrams without solutions, in case you want to solve the problems and decide about their difficulty. The second file (Messigny Retro Solving-2.doc) is the "formal" one, with solutions and addresses.

Please let me know, as soon as you have decided whether to use them for the Solving Ty. Alternatively, you are free to publish them in Phenix, or not publish them at all.

Important note: The PG in 17.5, tagged as (C+) was tested "manually" with natch. When you are finished with solving the problem, I can explain in detail the testing process that I followed.

I wish you a very successful event, as usually!

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: Thierry LE GLEUHER
To: Retro List
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:12 PM
Subject: [Retros] call for Messigny 2006

Dear retro friends,

This year, I am in charge of the traditional Messigny Retro Solving Tournament (the French Retro Solving Championship) which will occur in June the 3th. It will consists in 8 to 10 problems to solve in 2 hours to 3 hours, occording to the difficulty.

The most part of the original selection will include proof games. "Classical" retros should have clear'cut stipulation (last m moves?, last n captures? a.s.o.) so as to make notation of competitors unquestionable. I will propose one easy retro to make the Tournament accessible to everybody, and one Fairy retro.

All problems will be published later in a report of Messigny 2006 in Phénix issue. So, all of them are unpublished for Phénix and will be judged with the Phénix retro section 2006.

Don't forget to send your proposal to thierry.legleuher at sentoo.fr (not to the retro list with a simple action on the answer button).

Your non selected problems can run (if you wish) as unpublished for Phénix retro section (standard issue).


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