[Retros] Happy New Year!

Noam Elkies elkies at math.harvard.edu
Thu Dec 30 12:38:17 EST 2004

Figured this out just in time:


| - - - - - - - - | Noam D. Elkies, 12/2004

| - - - - - - - - |

| - - - - - - - - |

| - - - - - - - - |

| N - - - Q P - - |

| - - P P - - - K |

| P P R - P - P P | 16+0

| - - B - - B N R | OSPG-14: How many solutions?


This is C+ Popeye in a few minutes using:

Stipula dia13.5
Pieces White Rc2 Sa4 Bc1 Qe4 Kh3 Bf1 Sg1 Rh1 Pa2 Pb2 Pc3 Pd3 Pe2 Pf4 Pg2 Ph2
Black Rf6 Sb8 Bc8 Qd8 Kh6 Be7 Sf8 Re8 Pa5 Pb7 Pc7 Pd7 Pe6 Pf7 Pg6 Ph7

I've known since early 2004 how to get this count using a promotion:
h2->h8=N->a3, c4, and then something like Qa4, Kd1, Kc2, Kc3. Likewise
with a2->a8=N->h3, f4, Kf2 etc. One advantage of avoiding promotion
is that the promotion would prevent checking the problem on Popeye
in the same way.


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