[Retros] Messigny 2004 (call for problems)

Pascal Wassong pascal.wassong at free.fr
Sun Apr 4 17:21:05 EDT 2004

Hello composers,

This year, I am organising the traditional Retro Solving Tournament
(the French Retro Solving Championship) at the Messigny meeting
(29th-31th May).

It consists in 8 problems to solve in 2 hours. The selection composed
of originals should ideally include a retro accessible to "everybody"
and a fairy retro. The "classical" retros should have clearcut
stipulation (last m moves?, last n captures? a.s.o.) so as to make
notation of competitors unquestionable.

A report of the competition will be published in Phenix and problems
will later be judged together with other retros published in Phenix

You are welcome to submit a problem for the competition. If so, you
should send it to me (not to the list!), preferably without the
solution so I can test the difficulty, and keep your problem secret
from anybody else...

The last years, solvers found that the problems where to difficult.
So I would like to include mostly easy problems.

Best wishes,

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