[Retros] Champagne tourney Moscow?

Joost de Heer ildjarn666 at linuxmail.org
Sat Sep 27 11:39:36 EDT 2003

Rustam's email with the awarded compositions from Champagne Moscow was sent to me personally, not to the list. So here it is:


> Dear Joost!


> Here is results of Champagne tourney 2003.

> (I don't know First Names of authors #9. E. Gruber, V. Crisan, as it was in

> print materials. May be "V."- Vlaicu , and "E" - Hans :) )


> 46th World Congress of Chess Composition

> Moscow, Russia 2003 (July 26 - August 02)


> Champagne 2003

> Judge Michel Caillaud


> *************************************

> Theme

> Champagne Tourney - Moscow 2003


> ProofGame with capture of Anti-Pronkin piece

> Thematic capture doesn't necessarily occurs on promotion square

> Fairy ProofGames are allowed


> Anti-Pronkin = an original piece goes to the promoting square of a captured

> promoted piece. Promoted and original piece are of the same kind.

> (Pronkin = a promoted piece goes to the original square of a captured

> original piece)


> Example :

> (rnb2kn1/ppp2p1q/6r1/3p3p/8/8/PPP1PPPP/RN1QKBNR)

> White : Ke1 Qd1 Ra1h1 Bf1 Nb1g1 Pa2b2c2e2f2g2h2

> Black : Kf8 Qh7 Ra8g6 Bc8 Nb8g8 Pa7b7c7f7d5h5

> PG 8,0 (15+14) C+


> 1.d4 h5 2.d5 Rh6 3.d6 Rg6 4.dxe7 d5 5.exf8=B Qf6 6.Bxg7 Qxg7 7.Bh6 Qh7 8.Bf8

> Kxf8


> Thematic moves :

> 5.exf8=B : promotion

> 6...Qxg7 : capture of promoted piece

> 8.Bf8 : original piece occupies promotion square (=Anti-Pronkin)

> 8...Kxf8 : Anti-Pronkin piece is captured


> Entries to the judge Michel CAILLAUD

> Closing date : Wednesday, 30th July 2003, 8 p.m.

> Sent: Monday 25th July 2003, 16:37


> *************************************

> Results


> #1. Kostas Prentos

> 1st Prize

> 6nk/p2nQp2/p1p1r1p1/3p4/6p1/1PP1P1P1/1PP2PqB/1N2K1Nb

> SPG in 21.0 (12+13)


> 1. h4 h5 2. Rh3 Rh6 3. Rg3 Re6 4. Rg4 hxg4 5. h5 g6 6. h6 Bg7 7. h7 Bc3

> 8. dxc3 Kf8 9. Qd6 Kg7 10. Qxe7 d6 11. Bf4 Nd7 12. e3 Rb8 13. Ba6 bxa6

> 14. h8=R! Rb3 15. Rh1!! Bb7 16. Bh2 Qa8 17. g3 Bxh1 18. axb3 Qg2 19. Ra5 c6

> 20. Rh5 d5 21. Rh8 Kxh8 *


> *************************************


> #2. Reto Aschwanden

> 2-4 Prize

> 6k1/pp2p3/3pp1rb/1q4p1/4n2r/7b/PPP1PP1P/R1BQKBNR

> SPG in 15.0 (13+13)


> 1. d4 Na6 2. d5 Nc5 3. d6 Ne4 4. dxc7 d6 5. g4 Qd7 6. g5 Qb5 7. g6 Bh3

> 8. gxh7 g5 9. hxg8=N! Rh4 10. c8=B Bh6 11. Be6 fxe6 12. Nc3 Kf7 13. Nd5

> Rxg8 14. Nf6 Rg6 15. Ng8 Kxg8 *


> *************************************


> #3. Rustam Ubaidullaev

> 2-4 Prize

> 1n1qkbnr/2pppp1p/p1p5/8/2b5/1RN3P1/PPPPPP2/3QNRK1

> SPG in 17.5 (13+14)


> 1. h4 g5 2. Rh3 gxh4 3. Rb3 h3 4. g3 h2 5. Bg2 h1=R! 6. Bc6 bxc6 7. Kf1

> Ba6 8. Kg2 Bc4 9. Nf3 a6 10. Qg1 Ra7 11. Qh2 Rxc1 12. Nc3 Rh1! 13. Rxh1

> Rb7 14. Qg1 Rb5 15. Qd1 Rh5 16. Rf1 Rh1 17. Ne1 Rg1+ 18. Kxg1 *


> *************************************


> #4. Gerd Wilts

> 2-4 Prize

> 4n3/p1prpbp1/n3p1p1/6kp/8/3P4/NP1PPPPP/3rKBNR

> SPG in 19.0 (12+13)


> 1. a4 h5 2. Ra3 Rh6 3. Rg3 Rc6 4. Rg6 fxg6 5. a5 Kf7 6. a6 Kf6 7. axb7

> Na6 8. b8=Q Kg5 9. Qb3 Nf6 10. Qe6 dxe6 11. Nc3 Qd3 12. cxd3 Bd7 13. Qb3

> Be8 14. Qb8 Bf7 15. Qxf8 Rd8 16. Na2 Rd7 17. Qb8 Ne8 18. Qb3 Rxc1+ 19. Qd1

> Rxd1+ *


> *************************************


> #5. Allan Bell, Jonathan Mestel

> Special Prize

> qn2k1nB/3ppp2/prp4p/1p4p1/3P4/8/1PP1PPP1/RN1QKBNR

> SPG in 12.5, Isarda - No en passant capture. (14+13)


> 1. a4 c6 2. a5 b5 (legal with no en passant condition) 3. a6 Bb7 4. axb7 Na6

> 5.

> b8=B Rxb8 6. d4 Rb6 7. Bf4 Qa8 8. Bb8 Nxb8 9. h4 a6 10. h5 g5 11. h6 Bg7 12.

> hxg7 h6 13. gxh8=B *


> *************************************


> #6. Reto Aschwanden

> 1st Honorable mention

> r1bqkbnr/ppppp2p/Q2B4/P3P3/7R/3P4/1PP1BP1P/1N2N1RK

> SPG in 16.5 (15+13)


> 1. a4 f5 2. a5 f4 3. Ra4 f3 4. Rh4 fxg2 5. Nf3 g1=N 6. e4 Ne2 7. Qxe2 g5

> 8. Qa6 g4 9. d3 g3 10. Bf4 g2 11. Bd6 g1=N 12. e5 Ne2 13. Bxe2 Nc6 14. O-O

> Nd4 15. Ne1 Nf3+ 16. Kh1 Ng1 17. Rxg1 *


> *************************************


> #7. Igor Vereschagin

> 2nd Honorable mention

> 1n4k1/Q1ppnq1p/1p6/3b1r1r/p7/4pK2/PPP3PP/RN3BNR

> SPG in 15.0 (12+13)


> 1. f4 a5 2. f5 a4 3. f6 Ra5 4. fxg7 Rh5 5. gxf8=B f5 6. Bxe7 Nxe7 7. d4

> O-O 8. Bh6 f4 9. d5 Rff5 10. Bf8 Qxf8 11. Qd4 Qf7 12. Qa7 b6 13. Kf2 Bb7

> 14. Kf3 Bxd5+ 15. e4 fxe3 ep.+ *


> *************************************


> #8. Allan Bell

> 1st Commendation

> rnb1kb1r/pp1ppppp/5Rq1/8/4P2P/2PBPN1P/PPQBN2K/8

> SPG in 14.5 (14+14)


> 1. e4 c5 2. Bd3 c4 3. Ne2 c3 4. O-O cxd2 5. c3 Qb6 6. Qc2 d1=N 7. Nd2 Ne3

> 8. fxe3 Qg6 9. Rf6 Nh6 10. Nf3 Ng4 11. Bd2 Nf2 12. Rd1 Nxd1! 13. h4 Nf2

> 14. Kh2 Nh3 15. gxh3 *


> *************************************


> #9. E. Gruber, V. Crisan,

> 2nd Commendation

> 6rr/bp1ppp1p/ppn2p2/6nk/5P2/1P3N2/P2PP2P/RN3BKR

> SPG in 17.0 (12+14)


> 1. b3 Nf6 2. Bb2 Ne4 3. Bf6 gxf6 4. g4 Bh6 5. g5 Kf8 6. g6 Be3 7. f4 Kg7

> 8. Nf3 Kh6 9. g7 a6 10. g8=Q Ba7 11. Qg1 Ng5 12. Qb6 cxb6 13. Kf2 Qc7 14.

> Kg1

> Qxc2 15. Qxc2 Kh5 16. Qxc8 Nc6 17. Qg8 Raxg8 *


> *************************************


> #10. Christoph Fieberg

> 3d Commendation

> bnkr1bnr/p1p1ppp1/2p5/8/8/7p/1PPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R

> SPG in 10.0 (14+14)


> 1. a4 h5 2. a5 h4 3. a6 h3 4. axb7 Na6 5. b8=N Bb7 6. Nc6 dxc6 7. Nf3 Qd7

> 8. Ne5 O-O-O 9. Nxd7 Ba8 10. Nb8 Nxb8 *


> *************************************


> Best regards,

> Rustam

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