[Retros] TD 110-113

Henrik Juel hj at imm.dtu.dk
Thu Dec 11 10:21:36 EST 2003

Here are solutions and original retros from recent issues of Thema

Solutions to retros in Thema Danicum 110, April 2003:

9075 (Dittmann)
-1.Ke1xPf2 f3 -2.Ke1xRf1 Rf2 -3.Kd2xRc3 Rf1 -4.Ke1 Rf2 -5.Kd7xBe8 Rc8
-6.Kc6 Ka8 -7.Kb6, 1.Ka7#.

9076 (Hansen)
1.Nf3 d6 2.Ne5 dxe5=wP 3.e6 Nd7 4.exd7=bP e5,
1.Nf3 e5 2.Nd4 Ne7 3.Nc6 Nbxc6=wN 4.Nxe7=bN Ng8.

9077 (Vereschagin & Ubaidullaev)
1.Nc3 g5 2.Nd5 g4 3.Nb4 g3 4.hxg3 f5 5.Rh3 f4 6.gxf4 e5 7.fxe5 Bd6
8.exd6 Na6 9.dxc7 Rb8 10.cxb8=B Qc7 11.Ra3 Qxc2 12.e3 Qxc1 13.Bd3 Qc6
14.Qb3 Qa4 15.0-0-0 h5 16.Kb1 h4 17.Ka1 h3 18.Bb1 h2 19.Nd3 h1=R
20.Qb4 R1h7 21.Bh2 Ne7 22.f4 0-0 23.Nf3 Nc6 24.Rh1 Ncb8.

Solutions to retros in Thema Danicum 111, July 2003:

9160 (Eyjólfsson)
1.b4 a5 2.Bb2 a4 3.Bxg7 a3 4.Nxa3 Ra4 5.Rc1 Rxb4 6.Ba1 Rb1 7.Nxb1.

9161 (Juel)
1.h4 c5 2.h5 c4 3.h6 c3 4.hxg7 cxb2 5.c4 h5 6.c5 h4 7.c6 h3 8.c7 h2
9.cxd8=N hxg1=B 10.Rh4 bxa1=Q 11.Rc4 Rh3 12.g4 Rg3 13.Bh3 Nh6

9162 (Heinonen)
Cooked by several solvers. Intended was 1.h4 a5 2.h5 a4 3.h6 Ra5 4.hxg7
h5 5.d4 h4 6.d5 h3 7.d6 h2 8.dxe7 d5 9.g4 d4 10.g5 Bh3 11.g6 Rg5 12.f4
f5 13.Nf3 Nf6 14.g8=R Rg1 15.g7 Kf7 16.e8=R Bc5 17.Re3 Qd6 18.Rc3 Nbd7
19.Ra8 Re8 20.g8=R Re3 21.Rg4 fxg4 22.f5 Se8 23.f6 Kg6 24.f7 Kh6 25.f8=R
Qg6 26.Rf6 dxc3 27.Rb6 cxb6 28.Ra5 bxa5.

Retros in Thema Danicum 112, October 2003:

rnb1 k1nr/pp3Rpp/8/8/8/5N2/PPP2PPP/2K2qNR (11+11)

r n b . k . n r Christoph Fieberg
+ + . . . R + + 9236 TD 112
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . N . .
o o o . . o o o
. . K . . q N R PG 9

rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/8/8/4P3/Q2PRP2/PPP3PK/8 (10+15)

r n b q k b n r Eyjólfur Ó. Eyjólfsson
+ + + . + + + + 9237 TD 112
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . o . . .
Q . . o R o . .
o o o . . . o K
. . . . . . . . PG 10.5

2k5/pb1p2pp/B1p2prn/2p1p1Nr/2P1P1nR/b1P2PRN/PB1P2PP/2K5 (15+15)

. . k . . . . . Eyjólfur Ó. Eyjólfsson
+ b . + . . + + 9238 TD 112
B . + . . + r n
. . + . + . N r
. . o . o . n R
b . o . . o R N
o B . o . . o o
. . K . . . . . PG 20

Retros in Thema Danicum 113, January 2004:

4b1n1/p2pp2p/3pp1rp/5P1K/1P5R/3PP1kr/P2P1RPR/4Bq1n (12+14)

. . . . b . n . Thomas Volet
+ . . + + . . + Ded. to L. Borodatov
. . . + + . r + 9310 TD 113
. . . . . o . K
. o . . . . . R
. . . o o . k r
o . . o . R o R
. . . . B q . n Release the position (3 wR's)

rnbq3r/pkpp1p1p/1b3n2/1p2p1p1/8/5P2/PPPPP1PP/NRBNQB1R (15+16)

r n b q . . . r Bernd Gräfrath
+ k + + . + . + 9311 TD 113
. b . . . n . .
. + . . + . + .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . o . .
o o o o o . o o Losing Game
N R B N Q B . R PG 12

Losing Game: If you can capture, you must capture; non-royal kings.

rnbqkb2/pppp1pp1/3R3B/5B1p/1K3p2/R3PQ2/PPP1NP1P/3N4 (14+14)

r n b q k b . . Gianni Donati
+ + + + . + + . 9312 TD 113
. . . R . . . B
. . . . . B . +
. K . . . + . .
R . . . o Q . .
o o o . N o . o
. . . N . . . . PG 18

Henrik Juel. Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Building 321,
Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~hj Phone +45 4525 3391 Fax +45 4528 1344

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