[Retros] Haunted SPGs

A J Mestel A.J.Mestel at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Thu Sep 12 04:33:44 EDT 2002

The following did not make the award, but I was quite pleased with it
(if it's not cooked...please inform me of any found)

J. Mestel + O. Comay

SPG 19.5 Haunted Chess

All the best,


On Mon, 9 Sep 2002 CAILLAUDM at aol.com wrote:

> Hello again,


> In Portoroz, Tadashi Wakashima introduced Haunted Chess for his Japanese

> Sake Tourney.

> Here is how it works :

> in a capture, a ghost of the captured piece stays on the capture square; the

> piece reappears once the capturing piece moves again;

> in case of several ghosts on the same square (i.e. consecutive captures),

> the older ones definitely disappear; only the more recent is subject to

> "reappearance";

> in the special case of en passant, the ghost square can be passed through

> but not occupied until the "reappearance" (when the capturing pawn moves

> again).


> There were 2 SPGs in the award (of course not C+). Here they are :


> 2nd Prize :

> Reto Aschwanden

> rsbqkbsr/ppp1P1pp/4P3/4P3/3pP3/4Pp2/P3P2P/RSBQKBSR

> SPG 13,5 Haunted Chess


> 4th Com :

> Michel Caillaud

> 1sbqkbsr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RSBQKBSR

> SPG 8,0 Haunted Chess


> Best,

> Michel


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