[Retros] Informal tourney feenschach 1997/1998

Joost de Heer ildjarn666 at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 7 13:09:46 EDT 2002

I've only given the diagrams for the compositions not yet on the retro

Judge: Thomas Brand

1st prize: Andrei Frolkin

2nd prize: Dirk Borst
2r5/pp2bp2/2n1p1n1/4kq2/2r3b1/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR (16+12)

| | . |*R | . | | . | | . |


|*P |*P | . | |*B |*P | . | |


| | . |*N | . |*P | . |*N | . |


| . | | . | |*K |*Q | . | |


| | . |*R | . | | . |*B | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P |


| R | N | B | Q | K | B | N | R |

Proofgame in 21.0 moves, Andernach

1. d4 c5 2. d5 c4 3. d6 c3 4. Qd5 Qa5 5. Qc6 dc6(=w) 6. c7 Bg4 7. c8=N e6 8.
Ne7 Qf5 9. Ng6 hg6(=w) 10. d7 Ke7 11. d8=B Kd6 12. Bdg5 Ne7 13. Bh6 gh6(=w)
14. g7 Ng6 15. g8=Q Be7 16. Qd8 Ke5 17. Qd1 Rc8 18. h7 Rc4 19. h8=R Nc6 20.
Rd8 Rc8 21. Rd2 cd2(=w)

1st hon. mention: Gianni Donati

2nd hon. mention: Andrei Frolkin

3rd hon. mention: Andrei Frolkin

Comm: Guus Rol
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/Q7/1B6/P4R2/4P3/1P1N1PPP/2BK2NR (14+16)

|*R |*N |*B |*Q |*K |*B |*N |*R |


|*P |*P |*P |*P |*P |*P |*P |*P |


| Q | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | B | . | | . | | . | |


| P | . | | . | | R | | . |


| . | | . | | P | | . | |


| | P | | N | | P | P | P |


| . | | B | K | . | | N | R |

Proofgame in 15.5 moves, Andernach

1. c4 d5 2. c5 Kd7 3. Qa4 Ke6 4. Qa6 Ke5 5. d4 Kd4 6. a4 Ke5 7. Ra3 d4 8.
Rf3 d3 9. e3 d2 9. Ke2 d1=R 10. Rf4 Rd6 11. Nd2 Ke6 13. Kd1 Kd7 14. c6 Ke8
15. Bb5 Rd7 16. cd7(=b)

Comm.: Markus Ott

Comm.: Sergei Tkachenko

Comm.: Andrei Frolkin/Andrei Kornilov
8/8/8/P2PP1PP/RPPrRbrB/QpKpp1p1/b4p1p/kNn5 (13+12)

| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| . | | . | | . | | . | |


| | . | | . | | . | | . |


| P | | . | P | P | | P | P |


| R | P | P |*R | R |*B |*R | B |


| Q |*P | K |*P |*P | |*P | |


|*B | . | | . | |*P | |*P |


|*K | N |*N | | . | | . | |

#1 (Who?)

Nc1 must be a promoted knight, because unpromoting it unlocks the retro
cage; the only other retraction Ne2-c1 gave an impossible retro-check. The
capture balance (25 pieces in diagram, +2 (g+h line), +2 (exd, fxe for
white), +1 (cxd->d1 for black or dxc->c8 for white), +2 (axb, bxc->c1=S for
black) shows that the unpromotion must be c2-c1=N.
1. Qb2? isn't possible: -1. c2-c1=N Nd2-b1 -2. Kb1-a1 Nf3-d2 -3. Ka1-b1
Ng1-f3 -4. Kb1-a1 Ne2-g1 -5. Ka1-b1 Nc1-e2 -6. Bb1-a2 Na2-c1 -7. f3-f2
Qc1-a3 -8. h3-h2 a3xb4?? illegal capture balance.
Black has the move: 1. ... Ne2#!; retroplay is -1. .. Nd2-b1 -2. c2-c1=N
Nf3-d2 -3. Kb1-a1 Ng1-f3 -4. Ka1-b1 Nh3-g1 -5. f3-f2 Nf2-h3 -6. Kb1-a1
Nd1-f2 -7. Kc1-b1 Nb2-d1 -8. Bb1-a2 Qa1-a3 -9. h3-h2 Ra(2,3)-a4 -10. Kd1-c1
Na4-b2 etc.

Comm.: Andrei Frolin & Iwan Soraka

I'm sitting here alone in darkness, waiting to be free [ Solitude ]
Lonely and forlorn I'm crying [Candlemass]
I long for my time to come, death means just life
Please let me die in solitude

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