[Retros] Old Retro Mails - enclosed mails and more ...

mLists@Velucchi.It mlists at velucchi.it
Wed Jul 24 16:27:14 EDT 2002

Hi Otto,
Please, let me know if this is useful for You ... now I can check more in my mailBox archive ....

Otto Janko <otto at janko.at>, 2002-05-11 17.49.00, wrote:

>Hi Everyone,


>I don't know why, but today I dug into my Retro Mailing List archive of

>1995. Very interesting. You can admire the outcome at


> http://janko.at/Retros/Mails/index.htm




>Has anyone collected the mails before March 13, 1995? I'm very interested to

>get these mails, expecially in the very first mail ever on the list! :-)


Date: 11 Mar 1995 18:58:48 GMT
the original

and the "Thread" of the 'Lapierre's chess problem ...', the spark of the Philippe's electrocution ...
< http://groups.google.it/groups?hl=it&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&frame=right&th=af7614f500984d38&seekm=PHS.95Feb2110064840cassiopee.cosmos.imag.fr#link1

Yes, relatd at my post of the 'Lapierre's chess problem ...', in the Google (usenet archive) You can found some other related post ...

>Have a nice weekend,

and now the first MList retros post, by Philippe ... and some related mails ...



>From Philippe.Schnoebelen at imag.fr Mon Mar 13 09:27:50 1995

Return-Path: <Philippe.Schnoebelen at imag.fr>
Received: from cassiopee.imag.fr (cassiopee.imag.fr []) by cosmos.imag.fr (8.6.10/8.6.9) with ESMTP id JAA11852; Mon, 13 Mar 1995 09:23:51 +0100
From: Philippe Schnoebelen <Philippe.Schnoebelen at imag.fr>
Received: (phs at localhost) by cassiopee.imag.fr (8.6.10/8.6.9) id JAA03868; Mon, 13 Mar 1995 09:23:50 +0100
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 09:23:50 +0100
Message-Id: <199503130823.JAA03868 at cassiopee.imag.fr>
To: retros at imag.imag.fr
Subject: Original problems from Europe Echecs, Jan 95
Reply-To: Philippe.Schnoebelen at imag.fr
Status: RO

The four original retros that appeared in the Jan 95 issue of Europe Echecs
are available in (gzipped) PostScript. Pick one of

* anonymous ftp, on machine

in file


* W3 URL ftp://ftp.imag.fr/pub/CONCUR/Retros/coll.EuropeEchecs430.ps.gz

The diagrams are not as beautiful as I'd like them. They are just the
PostScript encription of some X-bitmaps I draw. Anybody has some
suggestions on how I can (easily) make nice chess diagrams in PostScript ?

The problems are quite good and I loved solving them. Except that I believe
number 598 by M. Caillaud is cooked. Anybody can confirm this ?

Philippe SCHNOEBELEN, LIFIA, 46 Av Felix VIALLET, 38000 Grenoble, FRANCE
email: phs at lifia.imag.fr
"Algebraic symbols are used when you do not know what you are talking about."


>From Philippe.Schnoebelen at imag.fr Mon Mar 13 17:18:52 1995

Return-Path: <Philippe.Schnoebelen at imag.fr>
Received: from cassiopee.imag.fr (cassiopee.imag.fr []) by cosmos.imag.fr (8.6.11/8.6.9) with ESMTP id RAA29684 for <velucchi at ...>; Mon, 13 Mar 1995 17:14:48 +0100
From: Philippe Schnoebelen <Philippe.Schnoebelen at imag.fr>
Received: (phs at localhost) by cassiopee.imag.fr (8.6.10/8.6.9) id RAA05628; Mon, 13 Mar 1995 17:14:48 +0100
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 17:14:48 +0100
Message-Id: <199503131614.RAA05628 at cassiopee.imag.fr>
To: velucchi at ...
Subject: retros mailing list
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References: <199503121505.QAA00274 at cassiopee.imag.fr>
<9503131610.AA16383 at .....>
Reply-To: Philippe.Schnoebelen at imag.fr
Status: RO

I have created a RA mailing list (see announcement on usenet).

Yoy can subscribe by sending a mail containing the line

subscribe retros

to <majordomo at imag.fr>.

Then you can send messages to the list by sending them to

retros at imag.fr

That would be a good place where you can ask for comments on the problems
you often post to the net.

Subscribe ! Advertise the list to other retro-enthusiasts !



>From owner-retros at imag.fr Mon Mar 13 17:36:34 1995

Return-Path: <owner-retros at imag.fr>
Received: (from daemon at localhost) by imag.imag.fr (8.6.11/8.6.9) id RAA16086; Mon, 13 Mar 1995 17:32:41 +0100
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 17:32:41 +0100
Message-Id: <199503131632.RAA16086 at imag.imag.fr>
To: velucchi at ...
From: Majordomo at imag.fr
Subject: Welcome to retros
Reply-To: Majordomo at imag.fr
Status: RO


Welcome to the retros mailing list!

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
you can send mail to "Majordomo at imag.fr" with the following command
in the body of your email message:

unsubscribe retros velucchi at ...

Here's the general information for the list you've
subscribed to, in case you don't already have it:

[Last updated on: Sun Mar 12 16:00:35 1995]

This mailing list is for fans of "Retrograde Analysis", a genre of chess
problems. With this list, we will [among other things]

* exchange problems, ideas,
* ask for comments on our recent compositions,
* make recent problems/papers available.

Other uses for the list are welcome... as long as RA is involved.

A few reminders:

1. As of today, the list is not moderated. You can post to the list simply
by sending a mail to retros at imag.fr.

2. The list is maintained by me, Philippe Schnoebelen, phs at imag.fr, with
help from the Majordomo software package. I am the person to contact if you
have any administrative question regarding the list.

Have fun ! (Mar. 12th 1995)





>- Otto Janko [mailto:otto at janko.at; http://janko.at]

>-- Plausible Unmöglichkeiten sollten unplausiblen

>- Möglichkeiten vorgezogen werden. [Aristoteles]




>Retros mailing list

>Retros at janko.at



Yours sincerely,

eMail mathchess at velucchi.it
web http://www.velucchi.it
fax +39.05061431159

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