[LargeFormat] Blackening your camera guts....

Frank Filippone red735i at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 18 18:25:07 EDT 2006

Many of the cameras we use today are up to 100 years old.  A lot of the interior black has worn off, been scraped, or otherwise
lost.  I have found 2 details about the black that was used...

First off, the original black on my 50-60's vintage B+J is not paint.  It is a simple black dye.  I replicated the finish and color
by diluting black dye in alcohol.  Worked like a charm.  Messy? You bet!

Second, for touch up work, use a Marks-a-Lot permanent marker or a Black Sharpie.  They also worked well, but the dye worked better,
blacker, and a lot messier.

Just some tidbits for those of us trying to restore or improve our cameras.

Frank Filippone
red735i at earthlink.net 

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