[largeformat] pinhole photography

Wilkes, Don LCS:EX Don.Wilkes at gov.bc.ca
Tue Jun 20 11:32:09 EDT 2006

> about the only thing new to LF in this house is last month for the 
> school science fair, did pin hole photography.

What fun <grin>.  I haven't done any pinhole stuff since about 1972.

My fun for the past year was stepping away from b&w work.  Somehow, I had totally twisted around my E.I. for FP4, not realizing I was shooting about 1.5-2.0 stops over what I should be, which was making the negs rather tough to print. And, at the same time, I was going through a pretty horrible dust plague, so I ended up getting so frustrated I started wondering if large format was truly worth the stuggle.

On a lark, I decided to shoot a box Fujichrome, and let the lab do all the hard bits.  Well!  I've been blasting away happily ever since, ripping through a satisfyingly large number of (expensive!) boxes of film. Just yesterday, I finally got my first 16x20 colour print from a drum-scanned chrome, done on a LightJet (the lab got severely backed up, and it took ages). I had them do it on Fuji "Flex", which is odd stuff -- a very plasticky base, but a stellar gloss.  It's going to look terrific up on my office cubicle wall.

My other fun thing for the year was finally getting a field camera, so I don't have to lug the old Calumet monorail around. As I live in a smallish Canadian city, used fields are really hard to find, so I was ecstatic when I finally latched on to a mint condition Toyo 45A at a decent price.  I'm still learning it's quirks, but very, very happy with it.

\donw in victoria, b.c.

P.S.  Anyone have advice on mounting this Flex stuff?  I'm thinking archival corners might be the way to go... The print has a 2" border all around, so they certainly wouldn't show under an overmat.

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