[LargeFormat] Keeping busy :)

Ole Tjugen oftjugen at online.no
Wed Apr 19 09:05:32 EDT 2006

I've been quite busy lately, not only at work. First of all it was getting  
the two fine old folding plate cameras operative: One 24x30cm, one  
13x18cm. That's in addition to the 30x40cm and the 18x24cm I already have,  
and a large number of 6.5x9cm and 9x12cm cameras.

I'm afraid the 30x40cm camera has lost its universal lens board again. I  
had one mounted on it for the Gathering last fall, but that's back on the  
13x18 it came from. Another one is mounted on the 18x24cm; and the biggest  
one of all was a very nice fit on the 24x30cm camera. Makes sense - lenses  
up to 11cm diameter are more likely to be used on the 24x30 than the  
smaller cameras...

Anyway: I've been playing around with the 24x30, various lenses, getting  
the film holders light tight and all that. Then I went to do a "test  
shoot" with a 150mm wide angle Aplanat lens, and discovered lots of leaks  
in the bellows. I'll get new bellows made - it's too complicated for a  
first try with 14 pleats and internal taper (and not external taper), and  
it also has to compress down to 4cm and stretch to 90cm.

Tonight I have a few sheets of film to develop. I did a comparison shoot  
of two 90mm Angulons - one 1939, one 1951 - on 5x7" film to see if there  
is a difference in coverage and/or sharpness.

But maybe my "new" LF camera arrives today - if it does, I'll be spending  
my evening trying to figure out a Carbon Infinity. I really look forward  
to that, it's the perfect 4x5" for my use!

PS: Anyone need a 4x5" Linhof Color, which is now "surplus to  
requirements"? Or a pretty (but not good) old 13x18cm plate camera?

Ole Tjugen

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