[LargeFormat] Photoshop

Vince Dobson vince at visionsinnature.com
Sun Nov 27 13:59:09 EST 2005

I currently have Photoshop LE that came bundled with my Microsoft Office
package (I think) - anyway it was free.  I only use PS to work on images for
either my web site or to produce thumbnails for my Excel based inventory
control system.  I save the image set at 1" wide but at a high resolution.
This way I can simply pull the thumbnail to a clear section on the excel
sheet and drag the corner and enlarge it to a good viewing size to either
show someone or analyze and comparing with similar prints before printing.

The LE version is ok for this use but I'm thinking that I should keep a
digital archive cy of my best shots in a separate location so I would have
these if I was robbed or had a fire.  I've though to also do a very high
rez. scan, do needed modifications (max considered would be picking up some
trash or removing graffiti etc.) then have the corrected scan outputted to a
negative so I could print traditionally.  If I went this route I was
thinking the need for an upgrade.  I have in the past bought (and been happy
with) software from those OEM guys.  I don't get packaging or a manual but I
have been able to register and get mfg. support and, in the case of
QuickBooks, all of the tax table updates I need.

This is a big savings.  I just now saw that they have for sale Photoshop
"CS2" available for only $80.00 (instead of $500.) but I'm not sure if this
is the model I need.  Does anyone use this particular model?  I am hoping it
is not too complicated to use considering my limited LE experience base.  I
hate it when they make what would be a simple program (for my particular
need) very complicated to use because they make it cover every possible use.
I once needed a stop watch - only thing I could find was a digital
contraption that did everything in the world including have dinner ready for
me but I never could figure out how to use it as a simple stopwatch - click,
he started, click he finished then read how long it took - simple, right?  I
hate it when what should have been simple is made very complex because they
tried to cover every possible use in the books.  You end up not being able
to do the simple task you wanted to do.  Too long, too hmmmm - I guess like
this email - start over.


Gang, I just saw a great deal for Photoshop model CS2 - I only have LE
experience and was wondering if anyone uses this model and how does it
compare in ease of use (considering my limited LE experience) with other
current models?


Thanks - hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!!

Vince Dobson
Visions In Nature

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