[LargeFormat] Filming a television commercial

Jim Hemenway Jim at hemenway.com
Sun Oct 30 17:37:08 EST 2005

The following is a car advertisement that was never released. When the
crew finished filming, the folks in the cutting room noticed something
moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist. They also
noticed that the soundtrack had a strangely pitched ghostly sound as the
mist disappeared. The ad was never put on tv because of the unexplained

Watch closely... as the car comes from behind the trees, about halfway
through the commercial, look and you will see the white mist crossing in
front of the car, then following it along the road.

You'll need to turn up your sound in order to hear the strange low
pitched noise.

I've been told that a Triple Convertible Protar was used in the last 
portion of the filming.  ;-) ;-)

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