[LargeFormat] Buckled film (was Big Old Cave)

Georges Giralt georges.giralt at free.fr
Tue Jun 7 13:53:03 EDT 2005

mark blackman a écrit :
> keep away from the 3 bath kits. They are bad at high end films like 
> latest Fuji's or Kodak's. geformat
> Why do you say this? I've been using the Tetenal 3 bath kit for a few
> years with fuji's film and don't see any problems. I'd be interested to
> hear your views.
Well, at my camera club, one can dev. the E6 on the club's premises, 
using the standard Kodak 6 bath stuff, I dev. them either in Agfa's AP 
44 Hobby kit (.5l and 4 baths) or the Kodak single use chemistry kit. 
And another folk uses the very same processing as mine (Jobo CPE2, same 
procedure, as I teached him) but using 3 bths Tetenal kits. His Velvia 
looks washed out, and lack the high color contrast this films normally 
shows. When he does the film in the Club's premises, the Velvias are 
fine.... So I came to the conclusion these kits are not so good as they 
said they are..
But, if you have different results, I will take your words for it and 
refrain, in the future to said that... I'll ask him to process a batch 
inthe Agfa or Kodak stuff just to be sure.
Have a nice day !
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