[LargeFormat] RH Designs F-Stop printing

Frank Filippone red735i at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 6 10:13:40 EDT 2005

For the US printers only....

Les McLean demonstrated the RH Design products at a darkroom  Workshop. I,
and several others, were very impressed at the operation of the products.

Is there enough interest out there to warrant a group buy for the RH Designs
StopClock Pro Timer and or the Flasher and or the Analyser? ( We can
probably buy any RH Design product in this purchase....)

RH Designs has offered a discount of at least 10% ( depends on how many we
order) plus we will get a big discount on shipping. we will each get to
reguister our own units, so the warranty will be in your name.

My intention is not to make a profit, just to save a few bucks.....

Please send me a direct email ( red735i at earthlink.net) or just respond here
if you are interested.

For reference.....  the WEB site is

Frank Filippone
red735i at earthlink.net

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