[LargeFormat] Thanks for the Advise RE: West Coast Roadtrip and Canada

Schuyler Grace largeformat@f32.net
Sun Aug 8 15:42:02 2004

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions regarding where I should go...ummm,
where I could go on my west coast roadtrip...and getting into and out of
Canada.  Although I can think of worse things, I didn't really plan to
become a future Canadian when I stepped across the border, so it's good to
know I stand a pretty even chance of getting back into the U.S. when I go.
But thanks to the Powers-That-Be, I guess we, in the U.S., are safe from
being overrun by pale-skinned, Canadian-speaking, peace-loving hoards from
the Frozen North.  =8*p

If anyone else can think of other possible routes from Mesa, AZ to
Vancouver, BC and back or other must-see destinations along the way, please
feel free to fill me in.
