[LargeFormat] All at the LF Conference?

largeformat@f32.net largeformat@f32.net
Tue Apr 27 15:34:06 2004

I hear you Jim.  AND I wasn't there either (recovering from pneumonia), so
I rely on your first-hand take on the situation.  I agree in a conference
situation like this, it's up to the organizer to control the crowds and
anticipate ahead of time.  From their perspective, the goal is to get as
many people in as possible to make money on the event, so they are
compelled to allow everybody in.  But, I'm surprised to hear that no one
checked badges, meaning anyone could get in for free if you didn't sign up
prior.  That's not good.

Did they pass out a critique-of-the-conference type questionnaire to
attendees?  I suggested that after last year's conference.

I have to tell you though, I'd be hard pressed to send out invitations to a
party at my house with NO RSVP, NO PARTY, on it.  Civility prevents me from
going quite that far!


                    Jim Brick                                                                                   
                    <jbrick@elesys.        To:     largeformat@f32.net                                          
                    net>                   cc:                                                                  
                    Sent by:               Subject:     Re: [LargeFormat] All at the LF Conference?             
                    03:11 PM                                                                                    
                    Please respond                                                                              
                    to largeformat                                                                              

That's why most well run events have limits as to how many invitations
(tickets) they sell. And they have pre-signups for the sessions. This
eliminates last minute chaos. Chaos, regardless of the cause, is the
responsibility of the event organizer/host. You cannot stuff 10 pounds of
stuff in a 5 pound bag. Allowing "show-ups" to create pandemonium is
irresponsible. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth of those who followed the

rules and pre-registered. A simple pre-sign-up for the presentations,
limiting the number of attendees, allowing last minute attendees ONLY if
there is space, would have easily solved the space problem. But it wouldn't

solve the no microphone (PA system) problem.

If you have 20 RSVP's to your house party and 30 show up, you should have
said in the invitation, "NO RSVP, NO PARTY" It is still your fault
regardless. Everyone knows that there will be late comers, party crashers,
etc, so either plan for them, or don't let them in.

BTW, as a pre-paid attendee, I had a badge, which I wore, sometimes. There
was not a single "badge checker" at any door of any presentation or at the
trade show, or anywhere! Anyone could, AND DID, simply walk in. Every other

photo trade show conference and seminar that I have attended, you
absolutely had to show your badge to get in to the trade show AND your
receipt for pre-registered seminars. Which, of course, would have
completely eliminated the chaos that ensued in Monterey.

I said that I had fun. But unless complaints are registered and solutions
are put in place, there will be no future well attended View Camera LF
conferences. It must be made clear to them that you cannot have an open
door policy. It simply does not work. You MUST have staff in place, and
rules set forth, to keep order in and chaos out.

Hoping the next conference will actually be managed... even a little...


At 02:37 PM 4/27/2004 -0400, barb@zgc.com wrote:

>One thing I feel compelled to note about the conference in Monterey:  I
>told that there were 200 people pre registered for the event.  There were
>at least 100 people who just showed up.  The hotel did their best to
>session rooms at the last minute, if they could, in order to accommodate
>people who "just showed up" without prior notification.  If you send out
>invitations to a party at your home and receive 20 RSVPs, you plan to feed
>20 people.  When 30 show up, it's a disaster for the host and the host
>the blame.
>Barbara Lowry

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