[LargeFormat] 5x7 Press Graflex Film Holders...

LNPhoto largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jan 6 10:12:12 2004

>    This is useful. I was not sure if the Press Graflex used standard 
> Graflex holders because its such an odd duck.
>    My one and only Graflex is a Super-D with a Graflok back so it 
> takes standard Graphic holders. Its been years since I used a Graflex 
> with a Graflex back.
>     Both backs were available on both cameras (Graflex and Graphic) on 
> special order. Graflex backs are occasionally found on Speed Graphics 
> because they allowed the use of special accessories.
>     I have not seen any Graflex holders at the local shows for years, 
> they appear to be as rare as hen's teeth.

A few years back the local used camera dealer got a call from one of 
the newspapers here in town and was told to clean out this room.  I  
had a chance to buy a laundry basket (the industrial canvas type) full 
of 5x7 Graflex holders, but opted for only two as history icons, one's 
labeled "Detroit News" and the other is embossed "Detroit Times" on one 
side and "Bertha" on the other.  I know both had big berthas on the 
roof of Navin Field (later Tiger Stadium).  I wonder how many shots of 
Babe Ruth this holder took?  Probably none, but it's fun to wonder.

Re: backs and bodies.  After a couple of years of intense research on 
the the Graflex companies I've come to the conclusion that it's nearly 
impossible to make a standard statement without realizing there is at 
least one example/situation that will make that statement false. My 
impulse is to tell "the whole story" but when I answer questions from 
newcomers on the helpboard I have to resist as it just muddles the 
mind.  The Press Graflex also takes a bag mag, but its a special one 
with hooks and pins, and while most people will say that the Graflok 
back was the first removable back, the Press Graflex proves this is 
wrong and there's another similar back for the Graphic line that 
allowed the use of the wide roll film holder that used roll film 5 " 
