[LargeFormat] Uncle who?

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Sat Dec 27 18:44:19 2003

Dear Nephew Jimmy and Nephew Jimmy,

    You remember how Picasso had his Blue Period and Gaugain had his
Tahitian Period? Well that was when Uncle Dick had his Scottish Period. It
was achieved at vast expense and paid for the retirement of several owners
of Scottish regalia shops.

    It was ended rather abruptly when the minister of one of the local
Presbyterian churches took one look at me and said " Och, ye're no' one of
our folk." followed shortly by the head of one of the local shuls who said "
Oy, you're not one of them. " and in the end I was forced to agree with both
of the reverend gentlemen.

    I have settled for the frayed frock coat and and repulsive odour of the
itinerant photographer. It is less spectacular than the 42nd but you don't
have to spend your mornings sobering drunks up to get them on parade. (
Another story entirely....)

     Uncle Dick