[LargeFormat] 300mm/f:4.5 Xenar mounting question --> Compound shutter sizes

Ole Tjugen largeformat@f32.net
Thu Dec 25 00:06:04 2003

>===== Original Message From "animal" <s.jessurun95@chello.nl> =====
>Thanks for your replies.I should have stated my question better.
>I ment to ask to mount it on an auto aperture board .I have a behind the
>lens shutter and the compound does not work at all.The aperture blades move
>but stiffly.
>Thanks again
>simon jessurun

Now THAT I do not know. All my Compounds work perfectly!

But I believe that many users of such lenses do use the auto aperture board, 
and I know that I have seen lenses of similar size frontmounted on Sinar 
boards on that auction site.

On the other hand your shutter may well be worth a CLA. There is a limited 
number of these, and there will not be more made. Compound shutters are 
usually very reliable, in my opinion they are the best of the old big ones.


Merry Christmas to you all.